
Sunday, February 07, 2010

Shortwave Blog "Bytes"

All times UTC

Aussie DX Report # 188 available for download
Episode No. 188, of the Australian DX Report audio news magazine about shortwave broadcasting includes monitoring research and analysis made from field sites near Melbourne.

There are also other features, news and information about shortwave broadcasting, propagation, a solar activity report, monitoring notes, schedules for the B09 and A10 seasons, extracts from schedules, and schedule updates.

It's 15 mins duration, and may be accessed from the Australian Internet Radio Magazine site, at

You may download/listen to/save the episodes as an MP3 file on your laptop, desktop, notebook, netbook, set up a Podcast, or receive or save it on your Mobile Phone or other portable internet-enabled digital device.

You may also subscribe via the site's RSS/Atom feed - full details are at the site.

The shows are very popular - in the four weeks to February 1, 2010, there have been 731 downloads by subscribers, 1927 site visitors, and 185 episode hits. There have been 23,871 channel visits in the past 12 months!

The episodes are also available on-air, over WWCR Nashville, 0300-0315 on Sundays, on 5070, and on Mondays 1245-1300 on 15825, and via WWCR's streaming audio (live) at

Good listening to the Australian DX Report Episode No. 188, and enjoy the music!

additional info
I received a note from WWCR's Operational Manasger in Nashville that the long established channel of 5070 has been replaced by 4775, 2300-1200.

This is to avoid interference problems notified to the FCC.

This means that our weekly Australian DX Report will be now be heard on 4775, 0300-0315 on Sundays (UTC), for the Americas. There is a repeat on Mondays from 1230-1300 on 15825, for Africa. (Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia)

Union of Asian DXers returns
After a break of about 17 years, the Union of Asian DXers has risen like a phoenix from the ashes. The UADX has published its first Newsletter since July 1993 as a PDF file on the DXAsia website, edited now, as then, by my good friend Victor Goonetilleke in Sri Lanka. Familiar UADX names such as Gerhard Werdin, Sarath Amukotuwa & Sarath Weerakoon will also be helping Victor, who says that the first edition of the E-Newsletter is meant as an introduction and sample. The next edition is scheduled before the end of February. I hope SWLs and DXers amongst our readership will support this venture.

Victor has also written an article about Eclipse Monitoring on 15 January 2010. A UADX blog will also be starting soon. Thanks to Alok das Gupta and his son Abhishek for technical help in getting this material online.
(Andy Sennitt)

additional post:
I have just heard from Victor Goonetilleke that he has not given permission for other websites to host the PDF file of this E-Newsletter. Copies of the PDF file may be downloaded for private use only, not uploaded to other sites. In order to assess how successful this revival of UADX is, it's important that the statistics on the DXAsia site accurately reflect the number of downloads. Other websites are welcome to use and quote material from it, provided the apppropriate credit is given, but it is not allowed to host the PDF file which was specially created for the DXAsia site by Abhishek das Gupta. A direct link to the PDF file at f will enable users of other sites to access the PDF directly, while maintaining the integrity of the site statistics.

A copyright notice will be added to future editions of the UADX Newsletter to make this clear.

South Africa's Sentec updates address
Recent Sentec verification letter shows new address as:
Sentech Ltd: PO Box 234. Meyerton 1960.
(Ron Killick, New Zealand via Wolfgang Buesche/(worlddxclub/Contact-Deb DX News)