
Friday, March 26, 2010

Radio Havan Cuba now on the 60 meter band

Professor Arnie Coro writes in the DXers Unlimited blog:

“At 23 hours UTC, March 22 , Radio Havana Cuba started its national service for the Cuban archipelago on the ITU Registered Frequency of 5040 kiloHertz. The first program that went on the air was our English language service, and the “menu” continued with a program in French. March 23 UTC day ( Tuesday UTC day) the 5040 kiloHertz frequency will continue to be on the air until 1100 UTC, with programming in Spanish too.

“The new national service is designed to provide coverage of the most famous Cuban tourist resorts , like Varadero Beach, Cayo Largo , Jardines del Rey, Guardalavaca, and others where last year some two million three hundred thousand foreign tourists visited to enjoy their holidays. Reports of the new transmissions began to come in immediately from the Jardines del Rey tourist resort located in the keys north of Ciego de Avila province, where signals of S9 +40 dB were picked up.

“The antenna used on 5040 kiloHertz is an NVIS system… Near Vertical Incidence Skywave radiating system, also known as a “Cloud Warmer “because it sends the signals at very high angles above the horizon, so I am not expecting many reports outside the primary target area of the broadcast. Anyway, reports will be , as always most appreciated, from anywhere the 5040 kiloHertz transmission is picked up .”
(Source: Netherlands Media Network Weblog)