
Monday, April 05, 2010

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

15480, DVB Democratic Voice of Burma program via Yerevan Gavar Kamo site. Burmese at 1430-1530? April 2nd. Noted at 1435-1440 UT. Typical "metallic modulation sound" of former USSR gear. S=8-9 level in Germany. (wb, Germany/HCDX)

6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 0905-1000. At tune in, noted a couple of females in conversation. Male joining in with the ladies as the time passed. Signal was fair on the Watkins Johnson HF1000. Best heard in LSB. Rechecked this at 1028, and noted that the signal had improved to a fair to good even using the WR. Noted a female and male in Spanish language comments then. Chuck Bolland, FL)

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0955-1010. Noted female announcer talking before any eal audio heard. At 1003, noted a female talking in Spanish briefly. This occurs only for a minute. The comments keep dropping out. Music at 1006. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

11749.86, Radio Voz Missionária, Florianópolis, 0140- 0210. Portuguese religious talk and religious music to announcements. Weak but readable. Stronger on // 5939.94. (Brian Alexander, PA)

3375.40, Radio Educadora, 1020-1030. Bras pop music, followed with Portuguese comments. Signal was poor to fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6165, RNT, 2205-2301.* French talk to African hi-life music. Sign off with national anthem at 2300. Fair to good signal, but some occasional adjacent channel splatter. On late tonight. Sign off usually at 2230. (Brian Alexander, PA)

15165, Voix de Djibouti, *1530-1630.* Possibly via France ? Sign on with national anthem. Qur`an at 1531. Talk in presumed Somali at 1532. French heard later. Sign off with local folk tune. Poor signal with adjacent channel splatter. Better reception after 1600. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6035.0, LV del Guaviare, San José Guaviare, 0210- 0236.* Spanish religious music. ID announcements. Sign off with national anthem. Fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

13680 RHC La Habana in Spanish at 1300-1400. Covered by IBB Radio Svoboda via VT-group Rampisham relay from 13.59:45 UT. Equal signal level then. \\ RHC SP on 13780 kHz underneath DWL German via VT-group Woofferton relay. Both RHC S=3-4. (wb, Germany)

Equatorial Guinea
15190, Radio Africa, 1930-1945. English religious talk. Radio Africa ID announcement at 1935 along with email address and Ghana address. Fair signal quality. (Brian Alexander, PA)

7110, Radio Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), 0307-0312. Listed as Ahmaric service. Up-beat Horn of Africa style music to male announcer at 0310 with, "Democrati..." between music bits and brief talk. Announcer at 0312 for good signal quality. (Barbour-NH)

15425, KTWR Guam accompanied by heavy buzz interference like 60 Hertz. In Korean
at 1400-1515 UT, S=9+10dB. (wb, Germany/HCDX)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1037-1045. Indonesian comments briefly, to Indonesian music. Signal good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

Indonesia, 9525.90, Voice of Indonesia, 1041-1050, At tune in, noted music, which was not typical Indonesian type. Between tunes, noted a female in Indonesian(?) language comments. According to the latest AOKI database, English is scheduled during this time period. However, noted that ID's given between tunes was in English. Maybe they didn't have an English speaking announcer for live comments? Signal good this morning. (Chuck Bolland, April 2, 2010)

3344.97 RRI Ternate 1237-1304. Vocal music hosted by lady announcer to 1302, then chat in Bahasa Indonesia. Surprisingly good signal. (John Wilkins-CO)

3995.03 RRI Kendari 1258-1315+. 'Song of the Cocnut Island' interval signal in progress at 1258
tune-in. Jak berita program commenced at 1259:35, beginning with time check for 20.00 Waktu Indonesia Barat. Back to local programming at 1307 sub-continental music). Good signal, peaking over S-9 on the meter. (John Wilkins-CO)

4749.95 RRI Makassar 1331-1342. Male announcer taking many phone calls. Finally some music at 1340. Good signal, as usual. (John Wilkins-CO)

4869.93 RRI Wamena 1336-1345.* Soft vocal music. Carrier left air at 1345. Weak, as usual, so could not make out much, even today, a very good Indo morning. (John Wilkins-CO)

6049.63 Asyik FM 1306-1405. Pop music to lady announcer after each song. Canned "Asyik" jingles (no "FM"). Spot-checked after 1329, still there at 1400 when two pips were followed by Quran program. Good signal, although deteriorated by 1400. Even better next day 4/4. (John Wilkins-CO)

6010, Radio Mil, 0809. Spanish. Easy listening to lite pops in Spanish. Signal rapidly becoming noisy. (Barbour-NH)

New Zealand
9655, Radio New Zealand, 1120-1130. Local news program and comments. Many mentions of Wellington prior to ID. "and that's Radio New Zealand International's ....." Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6089.85, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 2135-2207. Talk in presumed Hausa. Local tribal chants at 2155. Talk at 2200. Local tribal music at 2204. Good signal until 2207 when covered by Anguilla sign on. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9690, Voice of Nigeria (Ikorodu) 0827-0836. Vernacular langauge fpr announcer in unknown language. "Talking Drums" at 0829 to promo. Noted tinny strings at 0832 into male announcer. Poor signal.(Barbour-NH)

Papua New Guinea
3315, 1007-1020. Noted announcer in Pidgin language with another threshold signal where the audio is just barely audiable. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

3325, Radio Buka, 1010-1020. Announcer's steady Pidgin comments. Signal was poor with tons of noise and crashes. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4790, Radio Vision, 0900-0910. Noted regular program for a moment after tuning in, but by 0905. Format turned to religious, as signal was better than usual suggesting that they may have worked on the transmitter? They seemed to be off the air last week, so that might be a possiblity that they did something to the transmitter. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6019.30, Radio Victoria, 0930-0945. Religious sermon, signal best heard in LSB mode because Australia is on the upper side of the signal and can't be notched out with the WinRadio G305e, because there is no notch!. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9615, Radio Veritas Asia (Palauig) 1054-1103. Mandarin service with male announcer and brief music. Talk over church bells and lite orchestral music. Announcer at 1059 thru tune-out. Good signal. (Barbour-NH)

Solomon Islands
5020, SIBC, 0850-0925. Initially noted a female in comments as she continues talking until 0958. Then a male comments. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9330, Radio Damascus, *2102-2115+. Sign on with national anthem followed by opening English announcements. Local music. News at 2107. Usual poor, weak audio. 12085 not heard. (Brian Alexander, PA)

15275, Radio Thailand, 0007-0030. Tune-in to English news. Very weak. Dropped down to a barely audible threshold level at 0030 when they switch their antenna beam heading toward western North America. (Brian Alexander, PA)

11955, TRT Cakirlar in Turkish to foreign workers in NE/ME worked overtime, scheduled 0600-1300 UT, but also on air til 1400 UT today Apr 2. Broadband coverage and some peak spurs on 11941 to 11972 kHz range of 25 mb. (wb, Germany)

United Arab Emirates
12080 Radio Nederland’s relay via Dhabbaya, UAE. English. 1543-1558* Noted with news magazine, along with many ID’s. Programming was cut in mid-sentence during news item.(Ed Kusalik, Canada)

United Kingdom
12080 Deutsche Welle relay via Woofferton, UK. Russian. *1600-1630 Noted cut-into mid-programming with DW ID’s and promotion for website. News and commentaries followed. Signal was about the best on today but as usual with heavy flutter.(Ed Kusalik, Canada)

United States
15550 USB, WJHR, Milton, FL, 1700-1715. English fire and brimstone preacher. Gospel music. Very weak. (Brian Alexander,PA)