
Monday, April 19, 2010

Greenland now active on amateur radio

OX, Greenland (Update to OPDX.951). Reid, N0RC, now active as OX/K0KU from Thule, Greenland (NA-018), announnced this past week on the AMSAT mail list that he will be changing his QTH. He states, "Although I am scheduled to be in Thule until April 23rd, there is a chance I could leave as early as April 21st. I will be going to Wallops Island, VA, to put our radar equipment on a P-3 aircraft and do flight tests. I will be returning to Greenland on May 1st (although there is talk that it will be pushed back to May 4th). I will be in Sondrestrom, grid GP47pa, for two weeks before returning to Thule for two more weeks around May 18th.

Thanks to everyone that has tried to work me. You've made this trip a lot of fun!" Reid operates the HF bands, including 10m if it is open. If 10m is open, Reid will be giving out his 10-10 number upon request. Also, Reid operates on the satellites, activating grid FQ56 during his time on Thule. He will be limited to FM birds with a VHF uplink. Satellite operation is also dependent on the BMEWS radar system not interfering with the UHF downlink. Reid will upload his log to, LoTW and Eqsl. QSL direct or by the Bureau via N0RC. ADDED NOTE BY REID: "Since I will be operating in my spare time, I cannot give a predictable schedule. I plan on sending out an announcement before I go on the air through a google group page with planned times, bands and modes of operation for that day. People can sign up by going to:
(Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin 956)