
Friday, April 09, 2010

Radio Habana expands use of 5040 kHz

In Radio Havana Cuba’s DXers Unlimited midweek edition 6/7 April 2010, host Arnie Coro says:
“Monday April 5 UTC day we completed implementing the registered at the ITU Geneva Radio Havana Cuba’s A10 schedule, that will be effective until October, although it may require some minor changes during the middle of the summer according to my analysis.

“You will now be able to pick up RHC on several new frequencies , like for example 5970 kiloHertz, beaming to Central North America with our 4 by 4 curtain array.

“We are also now broadcasting on 12030 kiloHertz in Spanish, and we may soon be testing a daytime frequency on the 21 megaHertz or 13 meters band.

“We also added two more hours to our domestic Tropical Band service on 5040 kiloHertz, that from now on will be starting at 21 Hours UTC with our Spanish language magazine show.”
( Netherlands Media Network Weblog)