
Friday, April 23, 2010

Voice of Broad Masses of Eritrea still being jammed

This evening [20 April] BBCM monitored the Eritrean state radio, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, Tigrinya Service, from 1700 UTC, on its usual frequency of 7210 kHz and found out that the station was still being jammed.

From 1700-1715 UTC there was deafening noise. From 1715-1745 GMT one could hear Eritrean songs and some programmes in Tigrinya in the background, overridden by some static. From 1745 UTC, the station started getting clearer, and the various programmes and songs could now be heard without hindrance.

BBCM was unable to monitor the news bulletin at 1700 GMT due to the interference.

(Source: Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, Asmara, in Tigrinya 1700 gmt 20 Apr 10 via BBC Monitoring/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)