
Sunday, May 02, 2010

Pirate Blog Logs

A glimpse of what pirate chasers are logging from Free Radio Weekly.

All times UTC *sign-on sign-off*

Blue Ridge Radio
6925AM, 2336-2003* Good signal. Played songs that were unknown to me. ID as Blue Ridge Radio with (Majewski CT)

Capt Morgan
6925 AM, 2257. SINPO 24222. Techno music a faint Capt Morgan ID, Taking Care of Business song, just above the noise floor, with a utility station for a bit too.(Ragnar)

6850.75AM, 0100-0115. Poor signal with static, S8 max, Drake R8 7MHz dipole and DX44010ft (3m) wire, Alan Maxwell with old evolving man story from years ago, gave defunct Box 69 address, possible relay by MAC.(Hassig-IL)

6925AM, 0033-0051. Donovan with Season of the Witch, ACDC with Highway to Hell, IDs by a woman announcer. Male announcer with gibberish talk. Sinatra tune of Love and Marriage. Good signal.(D’Angelo-PA)

Outhouse Radio
6930v USB, 0100. Signal poor with static, S7 max. Jimi Hendrix tunes of, Hey Joe, Fire, and Foxy Lady, plus instrumentals. Signal drifted from 6930.1 down to 6929.8 then sudden adjustment to 6930.1 then down drift again, would have been nice program under better conditions. (Hassig-IL)

Radio Mushroom
6925 USB, 0152-0202* Southern Man by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young with ID. Email address ( ) and closedown announcements mentioning it is the only pirate station powered by pure nuclear energy at 0201 prior to carrier cut. Fair to good. (D’Angelo-PA)
Radio Mushroom, “Nuclear Powered Shortwave Radio”) verified an electronic report with a full data electronic attachment reply in 1 day mentioning in the accompanying e-mail “I see that you spotted a mushroom cloud last night. This seems to happen every time we tap into the core of a nuclear reactor and draw out 150 watts of pure nuclear energy … If you spot a mushroom cloud in the future, you will know that Radio Mushroom was on the air.” (Rich D'Angelo, PA)
(FRW 742)

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