
Monday, May 03, 2010

Radio Bulgaria DX Program

This is Radio Bulgaria’s weekly DX Program for radio amateurs and shortwave fans and DXers which is included in our one-hour broadcasts starting as follows:

Friday at 21.00 UTC on 5900 and 7400 kHz beamed to West Europe, at 23.00 and Saturday at 02.00 UTC on 9700 and 11700 kHz to North America, as well as in the half-hour broadcast on Sunday at 06.30 UTC on 9600 and 11600 kHz to West Europe.

In this issue by DX Editor Dimiter Petrov, LZ1AF, with Broadcast Tips by Rumen Pankov:

A session of the International Amateur Radio Club (IARU) Region 1 Executive Committee was held in Sofia April 16 – 18. Vice President Tafa Diop, 6W1KI of Senegal, Secretary Dennis Green, ZS4BS of South Africa and Treasurer Andreas Thiemann, HB9JOE of Switzerland were interviewed by our DX Editor:

(Recording for 6 minutes - would be available on audio as of Monday, May 3)

Marion Island, ZS8
As you may know, one of the very rare on the air DXCC entities is Marion Island, ZS8. Pierre, ZS1HF, now on Marion Island, sent the following update on his activities:

“ZS8M will only be active in the region of 12 to 15 May 2010, or once the SA Agulhas returns to Cape Town. I am currently socially active as ZS1HF/8, but that is only when I get time during my work schedule and off times. No QSL cards will be issued under the ZS1HF/8 call sign. The base is heavily populated with scientists, researchers, old and new team members. Trying to run a DXpedition under these conditions will be unprofessional. Looking forward to hearing you all soon.”

Broadcast Tips
Equatorial Guinea. Radio Malabo was heard after 18.15 hours on 6250 kHz with a religious program in Spanish. From this country rather seldom are received Radio Bata on 5005 kHz and Radio Africa on 15190 kHz. The address of Radio Malabo is: Apartado 195, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, Africa.

Kuwait. Radio Kuwait, English Language Service was spotted on the new frequency of 15540 kHz between 18 and 21 hours instead of the traditional 11990 kHz. The QSL address is: Radio Kuwait, English Service, P.O.Box 193, Safat 13002, Kuwait.

Argentina. Radio Argentina Exterior was at last heard again on 15345 kHz with programs for Europe - at 18 hours in English, at 19 hours in Italian, at 20 hours in French and at 21 hours in German. These emissions take place only Monday through Friday. A QSL card and beautiful post stamps are sent in response to a reception report to: Radio Argentina al Exterior, English Service, Casilla de Cofreo 555, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

The 40-meter band. Again on 7125 kHz has appeared Radio Guinea, Conacry, heard after 19 hours on April 21. Radio Eritrea is already with three transmitters in this band and was received at 18.50 hours simultaneously on 7165, 7175 and 7185 kHz. Lao Radio was reported with a program in Vietnamese on 7145 kHz beginning at 23.30 hours.

Bahrain and Belarus. Radio Belarus was received with a musical program followed by news until 00 hours on 6010 kHz and then the frequency was taken over by Radio Bahrain in English. Radio Bahrain in Arabic was heard after 02 hours on 9745 kHz.

Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz National Radio is received on 4010 and 4795 kHz opening its program at 00.00 hours with their national anthem and identification in three languages, Russian and two local ones. Also from this country is relayed Radio Rossii on 4050 kHz between 15 and 19 hours and after 23 hours.

This has brought us to the end of our weekly DX Program. Your opinions and suggestions will be appreciated and all reception reports confirmed with the QSL card of Radio Bulgaria. Please address your letters to English Section, Radio Bulgaria, Sofia, Bulgaria or by e-mail to An online reception report form is available at – click on English, scroll down the page and navigate.

So, 73 and DX!
Radio Bulgaria: DXprogram April 30, 2010
(Yimber Gaviria, Colombia/playdx)