
Monday, June 14, 2010

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on/ sign-off*

15476, LRA36, From 1425 till transmitter off at 1520 (the latest I have heard them). Signal began very poor, slowly improved, but quickly downhill after about 1455. Program mostly of Latin American ballads. The talking segments had low audio compared to the nice songs (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

15344.18, Radio Nacional. Special World Cup coverage of the Argentina game from 1421 to 1457. Numerous “Radio Nacional” IDs. Two time pips at 1430. Naturally the announcer was excited.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

15345, Radio Nacional, 0211-0228. Dramatization to station IDs as, “Radio Nacional, Buenos Aires.” List of actors in the performance to time pips at 0230, 0234-0300. Variety of music (Bossa Nova, etc.) to time pips at 0300 and ID. Back to more songs. Signal mostly fair. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

Ascension Island
17640, 1440. BBC World Service relay. Report on the Walk to the North Pole. SIO 453. (Bob Fraser, ME).

5952.45, Emisora Pio XII, 0205-0215, It's almost impossible to hear a weak signal on this band at this time with so many boomers on every 10 KHz, but Pio XII can be just barely heard here with a female in Spanish language comments. Signal is threshold. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0955-1005, Was rather surprised when I tune across this freq and actually heard some Spanish comment from a female. The comments continued through the top of the hour. Signal remained threshold however. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6134.83, 2335-2359. Radio Santa Cruz. Program of popular music Had to notch out the station on 6135 kHz which sound like the Brazilian that operates there. The music continued to the hour while the interference continued too. At 2356 canned Spanish comments. Signal was impossible to hear on the hour due to heavy hitters coming on the air, blocking everthing. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6134.79v, 0150-0219.* Radio Santa Cruz. The few times that I have recently checked this, have found almost fair reception. fĂștbol coverage, which is why they were running late. Many time checks, one team must have been local as there were numerous “Santa Cruz.” several IDs and a final canned sign-off announcement with “Buenas noches Bolivia”. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

5990, Radio Senado, Brasilia DF, *0852-0935.+ Sign on with local Brazilian music. Portuguese ID announcements at 0900. Mostly continuous local music. Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

11700, 2318. Radio Bulgaria. Events & Developments. SIO 554. (Bob Fraser, ME)

9505, 1255-1300.* Voice of the Strait. Thanks to a reminder from Hiroshi (via Mauno Ritola), I found VOS in Chinese, with pips and off. About 10-15 seconds later the transmitter started up on 4940 and audio began at 1301. Too bad that the ID in English gets lost in the switch over! (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

Czech Republic
9440,k 2240. Radio Prague. Report on establish in a gorilla preserve in Cameroon. SIO 554. (Bob Fraser, ME)

Dominican Republic
6025, 0303-0442. Radio Amanecer. IDs for “Radio Amanecer Internacional.” Segments of religious songs and religious (or health?) talks. SIgnal poor to almost fair. Glad to find this still doing well. Running well past their normal sign-off time. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

6030, *0321-0330. Radio Oromiya. Another Monday with no Cuban jamming or Radio MartĂ­ here. Usual repetitive xylophone-like interval signal. Unusable after distinctive interval signal.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

15690, 1710. Radio Taiwan International relay via Issoudun. We've Got Mail letterbox program with musical bridges. SIO 453. (Bob Fraser, ME)

9525.90, 1013-1030. Voice of Indonesia. Noted a female in English language comments. he seems to be giving details of events that happened on June 12 through out recent history. When finished she gives URL information for Voice of Indonesia. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9680, 1018-1030. RRI Jakarta. Noted a female in Japanese language comments. Do they have a segement of Japanese here? At 1024, a male continues in Indonesian language comments. Checked the WRTH and it didn't list Japanese as a language broadcast here. Program continued in Indonesian. At 1027, ID in Indonesian language. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9525.89, *0944-1015.+ Voice of Indonesia. Abrupt sign on in listed Korean. Local music. Into English at 1000 with news at 1001. Too weak with high noise level to discern much program content. (Brian Alexander, PA

15785.0, 2135-2205.+ Galei Tzahal. Back on this frequency after several months silence. Hebrew talk. Local pop music. Signal fair to good. Weak on // 6973. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6115, 1005-1015. Radio Nikkei-2,(presumed) Steady music program. Looked for a parallel signal. There was music on 3925 KHz where Radio Nikkei-1 is situated, but could not tell if Nikkei-2 and Nikkei-1 were parallel because the signal on 6115 kHz was too weak to hear clearly. While Nikkei-1 on 3925 had a good signal going for it. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

7145, Lao National Radio, Vientiane. Since May 28 I have been unable to hear this, but on June 10 noted them at 1209. Station gone by recheck at 1336. On June 12 was not on the air at 1254. Seems to have become erratic!(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

7105 (USB + carrier mode), RTV Malagasy, Had almost fair reception with pre-World Cup coverage at 1355 with songs (“We Are the World”, etc.. Into excited World Cup coverage till 1410 tune out. Believe we will now be hearing a lot of “We Are the World”, as I also heard the same song today via Radio Fly (Papua New Guinea). Outstanding reception conditions for SW coverage of the World Cup!(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

7200.0, Myanma Radio. Heard Korea going off at 1249, leaving Myanmar in the clear. Vernacular language, pop and indigenous music. From 1331 to 1334* a lecture completely in English, provided by the Minorities and Distance Learning Services; running four minutes late. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

New Zealand
6170, 0900. Radio New Zealand International. Signal time pips to time announcement. Station ID into newscast. SIO 343. (Bob Fraser, ME)

Papua New Guinea
3915, 1214-1257. Radio Fly. Mostly pop songs to one segment with announcer between songs, but mostly non-stop music. Adjacent splatter in Korean from strong (unjammed) 3912. At first was unable to hear // 5960, but by 1257 it was stronger than 3915, which was fading out. Played “We Are the World”; after 1300 noted 5960 mixing with talking in Chinese (PBS Xinjiang). Signal very poor by 1350. This is the first decent reception I have had since my last one on June 7. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

5960, 2200. Radio Romania International. Evening newscast read by lady announcer. SIO 454. (Bob Fraser, ME).

7200, 0257-0306. Radio Omdurman (Omdurman). Arabic. Traditional vocal music. Announcements by man at 0259, beeps on the hour, more announcements, and news by man. Strong signal with little fading. (Jim Evans, TN)

9830, 222o. Voice of Turkey. Hues and Colors of Anatolia. SIO 454. (Bob Fraser, ME).

7506.20, 0342-0400.* WRNO (presumed). Christian program in Arabic along with Middle Eastern music. First time I have heard this language here. No ID at sign off. Appreciate the kind assistance of Tarek Zeidan (Denmark), who listened to my audio clip and confirmed it was a Christian religious program and he notes: no ID but typical Christian radio in Arabic, like WYFR and AWR. Thanks go out to Tarek! Per Wikipedia (shortwave broadcasting in the United States): “On March 13, 2010, WRNO began transmitting a weekly religious broadcast in Arabic for a portion of its broadcast schedule.” (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)