
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Radios confiscated in Zimbabwe

Report: Radios used to listen to VOA Studio 7 confiscated in Zimbabwe

Tony Saxon: "Zanu (PF) supporters and self-styled war veterans here are reportedly moving door-to-door here in an effort to prevent people listening to foreign radio broadcasts by confiscating their radios. The people from Buhera said the move was to force people not to listen to the radio reports on constitution making process that is expected to begin next week. An [opposition] MDC T councillor Tapiwa Ngorima said: 'All those listening to radio stations broadcasting from outside the country are being told they will be identified, because they are accused of influencing others to support the MDC in the area.' He said there were some incidents reported to police in Buhera but there have been no any arrests made so far. 'We have cases where our supporters lost their radios after the Zanu (PF) and war veterans accused them of listening to Studio 7. Their radios were forcibly confiscated. We have made reports to the police in Buhera but nothing was done to bring the perpetrators to book,' said the councillor. Studio 7 is broadcast through the Short Wave from Voice of America."
(The Zimbabwean, June 2, 2010 via Kim Elliott)