
Monday, July 19, 2010

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*

2368.5, Radio Symban (presumed) 1240-1315. Usually is below threshold level, so today was special with perhaps their best ever reception. My local sunrise at 1301. Clearly could make out the Greek music and songs. Believe was all non-stop music with no announcements. No break at 1300. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

6075, Radio Causauki Coca, (doubtful),1015-1030. Not much of a signal here under the noise. Can barely hear a female's comments. Unknown if comments are in Spanish or something else? It's one of those signals we run into every once in awhile, that can't be improved beyond threshold. At about 1022, a stronger station popped up on 6080 blocking my frequency with splatter. No other details were obtained. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4795.76, Radio Mallku, 0925-0945. Tuned into a broadcast of typical Bolivian music at 0925. Noted a break in the music at 0926, but it was filled with dead air. Music continues at 0939. No comments heard so far. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL/Rod Pearson, FL)

4795.86, Radio Mallku, 0931-0945. Noted a male in Spanish with comments until 0933 when music is presented. Male back in comments at 0938 UTC. Just a little too much noise to catch details. Signal drops into the noise at 0943. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5952.40, Radio Emisoras Pio XII, 0959-1015. Noted live Spanish comments and time-check at tune in. Just before the hour canned commercilas or promos. After the hour, a male with live Spanish comments again. At 1005 music presented.Signal was fair to poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)
6134.82, Radio Santa Cruz, 1020-1035. Male/female host in conversatioal Spanish. Checked this out earlier and nothing, so assuming they began their schedule later today. Conversation continues and the signal remained poor throughout. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5990, Radio Senado, 0955-1005. Signal in with music until the hour, followed by female announcer in Portuguese. I believe she mentions "... a voz do Brazil ..."probably referring to a solgan rather than the station's name? She is followed with a male commenting with canned comments that may have been an ID. This is followed by news. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4885, Radio Clube do Para (Belem) 0432-0449. Portuguese programming including Latin American pops at a level nowhere near what is normal for this station. Poor signal quality. (Joe Wood, TN)

11780, Radio Nacional de Amazonia (Brasilia) 2112-2118. Portuguese with sporting event announced by very excited man. Good signal with some fading and low side interference. No parallel noted. (Jim Evans, TN/Rod Pearson, FL)

9625, CBC Northern Service (Sackville) 0500-0507. Female announcer's English news item on the day of Queen Elizabeth, which consisted of church in the morning and horse racing in the afternoon. Good signal quality. (Joe Wood, TN).

7420, PBS Nei Menggu (Chinese Service), 1241-1300. Fairly good reception of the opening ceremonies of the 11th Zhaojun Cultural Festival held in Hohhot. Theme “Heavenly Grassland”, opening greetings and sound of fireworks. Many musical selections from USA (County Roads), Africa, China, etc. Some English per audio at . At 1300 totally covered by BBC sign on in Chinese and echo jamming by CNR-1, so switched over to // 9520.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

9520, PBS Nei Menggu (Chinese Service), 1241-1330. Very noticeable hum that was not present on // 7420. Opening ceremonies continued till 1330. A pleasure to hear this type of programming with such decent reception! This is what listening to shortwave is all about!(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

5945 Bible Voice Broadcasting (Nauen), 0711-0730. English religious fundamentalist talk by man and woman. Frequent mention of Obama and Washington. Religious format to theme music at 0729, followed by ID by woman. Another preacher began at 0730. Poor signal with fading. (Jim Evans, TN)

3290, Voice of Guyana, 0935-0945. Tuned in to hear religious melodies being broadcast. At 0939, a male's English religious comments. At this time the signal was at a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4970, All India Radio (Shillong) 1245-1315. English with Sunday Country Roads show with woman DJ playing C&W music. Songs by Dolly Parton, Barbar Streisand [I don’t consider her a C&W singer, but they played You Don’t Bring Me Flowers and said it was a C&W rendition. Local IDs, not often I can enjoy this during summertime conditions, so today’s almost fair reception was nice, even with their ever present hum.(Ron Howard, CA)

9445, All India Radio (Bangaluru), 2134-2145. English talk by man, woman, and some rather excited people who broke into a chant at one point. Hindi music at 2140, then more talk. Although in English, couldn't determine the subject of the program due to a weak signal in high atmospheric noise levels. Noted a very poor, threshold level parallel on 7550 (also Bangaluru). (Jim Evans, TN)

3325, RRI Palangkaraya, 1209-1226. In Bahasa Indonesian with relay of the Jakarta news. After news and ID played choral national anthem (Indonesia Raya) which ended at 1226, // 3344.96 (RRI Ternate), 4749.94 (RRI Makassar) and 9680 (RRI Jakarta). After 1226 no longer //.

4789.96, RRI Fak Fak, 1209-1226. They clearly have established a format of not carrying the Jakarta new relay on Saturday. Signal poor to fair with CODAR interference. Program DJ playing pop songs. (Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

9525.88, Voice of Indonesia, 1033-1045+. Noted a female presenting a language lesson of Indonesian and English. Signal was good this morning.(Chuck Bolland, FL)

9525.9 Voice of Indonesia 1307-1340. Live coverage of some sort of Islamic commemoration live from the presidential palace. Qu'ran recitations and talks. English interpretations by Voice of Indonesia announcer. Occasional breaks for pop music from the studio. (John Wilkins, CO)

9525.84, Voice of Indonesia, 1036-1045. Female's language lesson as she repeated phrases in Indonesian. At 1040 regular English language comments continue. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

9680, RRI Jakarta, 1030-1040. Two males in conversational Indonesian. Noticed a mentions of Jakarta here and there. At 1035, music presentation. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4750, RRI Makassar, 1042-1055. As the band begins to crash, noted a program of steady music presented here on Makassar.Observed some utility interference at about 1049 UTC, but it was minor. Islamic type music continues. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4869.87, RRI Wamena, (tentative) 1035-1045. Could not hear any audio, but heard the carrier for this station and could see it with the WinRadio. So thought I'd report it for continuity.(Chuck Bolland, FL)

9595 Radio Nikkei 1 (Chiba-Nagara) 0741-0747. Japanese conversation from male, thentalk by male/female and children at 0743, then only man at 0745. Moderate signal with minimal fading. (Jim Evans, TN)

9760 Radio Nikkei 2 (Chiba-Nagara), 0747-0750. Japanese text and talk from male announcer. A few bars of music at 0750, then more talk. Poor signal with deep fades. Threshold level parallel noted on 6115. (Jim Evans, TN)

15540, Radio Kuwait (Sulaibiyah), 2055-2102.* English service with American rock music. Closing announcements by man at 2058. Anthem at 2059. Supposed to shut down on this frequency at 2100, but switched for a couple of minutes to news in Arabic by a woman. This was in parallel to an Arabic language program that been running on 17550. The 15540 broadcast abruptly ended at 2102. Moderate signal with fading, about the same on 17550. (Jim Evans, TN)

4412.56v, Lao National Radio via Sam Neua, 1220-1232.* News in Laotian, at 1230 gave website to choral national anthem (Pheng Xat Lao) till off. Frequency 6130 was // till national anthem, continued on after 1232 with ads and music.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

7145, Lao National Radio via Vientiane. Randomly from 1235 to 1310. Better reception than normal and lucky this was higher than the earlier radar pulsating noise.(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)

4025, Radio Star 0739-0751. Male/female alternating outside talks "disappointment with reports..violence..3000 armies..trained by Liberia..human rights". From 0745 degrading, at peak SINPO 34333 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)

15240 Voice of Africa, 1529-1558.* "this is the Voice of Africa broadcasting from the Great Jamahiriyah." Many station IDs to male/female announcers with commentaries on several African countries. One segment was ragging on political parties in democracies (which I've heard before). SIO=3+33. Broadcasting also on //15235! (checked with 0.5 khz filter & checked 3 different antennas) at about same strength & quality. Vox a bit muted.Getting an occasional break in signal on both, sounds like Spanish. Nothing on 15215, 17725 or 21695. Both abruptly off at 1558. At about 1556 heard a bird-tweet interval signal on both. Frequency 15235 had a 1600 sign-on, but no copy except sounded like French. Next day at 1458, heard Afro music on 15240 //15235, followed by woman in English with "Voice of Africa" identification in English at 1501. Frequency 15235 also had voice, sounding somewhat like Arabic. (Harold Frodge, MI/Cumbre DX)

15240, Voice of Africa, 1530-1600. At tune in, noted a female in English with comments and station ID. Followed with the news until 1535. At that time a male continues in English with commentary. At about 1552 a male gives ID as, "you are listening to the Voice of Africa ..." Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4845, Radio Mauritanie, Nouakchott, 0746-0755. Male talks in French. Some thunderstorm static, interference enhancement along this listening, SINPO 33433(Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)

New Zealand
6170 Radio New Zealand Int'l(Rangitaiki) 0732-0740. English program of vocal music from the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Short announcements by man between selections. Good signal. (Jim Evans, TN)

Papua New Guinea
3915 // 5960 Radio Fly Papua New Guinea 1110-1202. After weeks of hearing just marginal signals, on this particular morning, heard both 3915 (which was much weaker and prone to local noise) and 5960 (which was some what stronger about s4-s5 level). Programming initially, was religious service with a preacher's sermon, noted from 1110 to 1131. Short pause, followed by male announcer with program content and what sounded like a weather report. Pop music selection in a local dialect, 1136 caught a clear ID for Radio Fly (but by a another speaker as a program promotion). Remaining part of this program consisted of Country and Western tunes, one from Kenny Rodgers (The Gambler). At 1146 caught a time check for "14 minutes to the hour ..on Radio Fly.." plus phone number (for requests?). Did note a comment about an event or happening in the eastern part of the province prior to top-of-the hour. By 1202, 5960 was still quite audible about S2-S3 level, with 3915 dropping off to S2-S3 level. I noted the signal peaked just before dawn (sunrise) enhancement about 1149. Pleased to be able finally get this one. (Ed Kusalik, Alberta, Canada/Cumbre DX)

3905, Radio New Ireland, Kavieng, 0947-0958. Pop music to male DJ in studio and outside talks "Kavieng". SINPO 24322. (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowi, Brazil/Cumbre DX)

3275, Radio Southern Highlands,(presumed) 1030-1045. Noted male announcer's Pidgin language comments. There could be a second individual, but difficult to copy to confirm. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland,FL)

3290, Radio Central,(presumed) 1035-1045. Noted a female in Pidgin with program comments. She seemed to be alone at the mic. Signal was poor but steady.(Chuck Bolland, FL).

3385, Radio East New Britain, 1217-1226.* Third consecutive Sunday with same format and identical sign off time. Religious program Beyond Today in English. Produced in USA, with toll free number and website (Beyond Today dot tv). Suddenly off with no sign off announcement. Signal poor to almost fair.(Ron Howard, CA).

3385, Radio East New Britian, 1055-1105. Two males in Pidgin conversation while taking phone calls from listeners. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, FL/Rod Pearson, FL).

6019.26, Radio Victoria,(presumed) 0910-0930. Noted preacher, David Miranda, in his usual dramatic performance in his sermon. Having to share this frequency, Victoria's signal is only at a poor level and David's performance isn't very readable. At 0929, we get a break in the preaching and music is presented for a few moments. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5039.28, Radio Libertad,(tentative) 1056-1100. Using the WinRadio, noted a presentation on this frequency of a weak signal. Unfortunately, was unable to pull out any audio for this logging, but felt it benefical to report this for continuity then. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5930, Radio Rossii, 0950-1000. At tune in, noted Russian pop music with a male in Russian comments between tunes. Music continues. Signal was fair but there's so much splatter. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo, 0754-0806. Jackson Five old ballad, Pop ballad in English, male annonucements seems in Dutch, organ and voice music sounding like religious. Signal weak but clear, 4985 Brasil Central was off, SINPO 25332 (Lúcio Otávio Bobrowi, Brazil/Cumbre DX)

4840 WWCR (Nashville, TN)0425-0434. English. Male announcer reading listeners’ letters of a religious nature. ID at 0430, and into programming for health care items of a dubious nature. Very good signal. (Joe Wood, TN/Rod Pearson, FL)

9955 WRMI (Hialeah, FL) 512. Program in English with bits concerning Israel including the local weather, several mentions of Jerusalem, and musical concerts. Program IDs as “Israel Radio” and “World Radio Network.” Rare log of this station for me. Fair signal quality. (Joe Wood, TN).

3945, Radio Vanuatu, Port Vila. 0700-0710 Flute signature tune at top of the hour. Female announcements seems in English, male and female talks. Static and SINPO 25222noted later 0754-0805 male and female talks in unidentified language. SINPO 25322. Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Brazil/Cumbre DX)