
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Campaign to clean up 40 meters underway

The South African Radio League’s councillor for the IARU Monitoring System (IARUMS), Fred Scheepers, ZS1FCS, invites radio amateurs and shortwave listeners to join a campaign to remove non-amateur stations from the 40 metre amateur band.

It requires many persons to monitor the band from 7 000 - 7 200 kHz for intruders and record their details such as the station ID, the frequency and time. Many intruder broadcast stations will broadcast their ID on the hour and half hour.

If you cannot understand the language make an mp3 recording or a wave file and add it to your report. Fred has set a special email address that is easy to remember. It is . (Source: South African Radio League via Southgate Amateur Radio Club/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)