
Friday, August 13, 2010

chasing pirate radio

Here's the latest of what pirate radio hobbyist are hearing on shortwave. What are you hearing ? Thanks to Free Radio Weekly. With the weekend here, be sure to check for pirates around 6925 (AM or USB), plus or minus 30 to 40 kHz. The majority of U.S. pirates operate between 2000-0400 UTC. Weekends are always a good time to chase pirates. Nice to see Ann Hoffer being heard again.
Gayle Van Horn

From Captain Ganja via Scott Gentry: Brand new RFE show available for downloading, man. Enjoy!


A pirate broadcaster is no longer bothering ham radio operations on 20 meters. The IARU Region 1 website reports that the illegal daily AM transmissions from Naples on 14.000 MHz have ended. According to DK2OM, the Italian Department of Post and Telecommunications appears to have located the source of the transmission and has shut it down. (IARU)

All times UTC *sign-off
Ann Hoffer Radio
(No drop or QSLs reported in over two years)

2353-0010, 6925; SINPO 35433. Ann with her guitar signing Mrs Robinson. Honey Don't and a bunch of others. Something about respecting dandelions? Ann says she quit smoking and feeling like a quitter.

0002-0009*, 6924.95USB. Unidentified (but likely Ann Hoffer). Woman singer with guitar sings and plays a medley of songs. Closes with admonitions to "have a great summer" and "respect the dandelions." (Hunsicker, PA)

Radio Free Euphoria

2056-2115, 6925USB. Difficult copy due to fading and heavy static from thunderstorms. SINPO 33333. Station ID at 2102. Beatles parody, talking thunderstorms about bugs on plants and spraying them with mountain dung. Lost reception at 2115. (Candle-ON)

1844-1850 and 2328-2353, 7450AM. Two time periods were time. Conditions were poor/fair with lots of interferencve and local noise. First period was an Art Bell show talking about a pirate station on an Air Force base. The second period was the Commander Bunny one million
dollar offer with WBNY T-shirts and hats ad. There was an interfering carrier about 1 kilohertz higher. There was a Pat Murphy interview also in the second period. (Majewski CT)
(FRW # 756 via Harold Frodge)
graphic: classic QSL from Radio Free Texas/Teak Publishing Collection)