
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Radio Symban verification

2368.49, Radio Symban, Marrickville. Fade in 0930-1020 UTC fade out, Jul 26, 27 and 28, Greek announcement and popular Greek music, weak. A quick mp3 recording to brought this reply in less than an hour:

"Hi John, I can confirm that this is Radio Symban you are hearing and I am the DJ playing old urban popular Greek songs form the 60s. Regards, Tom Tsamouras."

I have asked Tom for current power as this has surely increased since last reports of 100 watts. Thanks to Ron Howard for his help with this one. (Herkimer in Dxplorer). Also heard at 1152-1203, Jul 25, 26 and 27. Music definitely Greek-sounding, but no ann heard. Fair/poor and faded away shortly after 1200. First time I have heard any audio on this, so must be a power increase, as others have surmised. (Slaen and Wilkins in Dxplorer)
(DSWCI/DX Window 408)