
Friday, October 01, 2010

Hamburger Lokalradio slated for Sunday broadcast

Hamburger Lokalradio (HLR) will run a special, six-hour shortwave show on Sunday, October 3, from 0600 - 1200 UTC, on 5980 kHz (Kall transmitter site) with a power of 1 kW.

The station invites listeners to tune in and to send in reception reports. All correct reports will be answered with a special QSL card. Address: Hamburger Lokalradio, Kulturzentrum Lola, Lohbruegger Landstrasse 8, 21031 Hamburg, Germany; E-Mail: redaktion@hamburger- Return postage is appreciated.

The special show will focus on German Unification Day. Twenty years ago, on October 3 1990, the German Democratic Republic ceased to exist. Five new federal states plus the eastern part of Berlin joined the Federal Republic of Germany. The Hamburg radio team will air a musical selection of bands and singers from the GDR; a sound collage (using audio material from various periods of German history); an interview with singer and guitarist Dieter "Quaster" Hertrampf, who has been with one of the most popular GDR bands, the Puhdys; plus a look at several novels and non-fiction books that deal with the topic of German unification.

In addition to the October 3 special, Hamburger Lokalradio has daily low-power broadcasts on 5980 kHz between 09 - 10 UTC (11-11 UTC winters). In addition, there is a show aired every first Sunday between 09-10 UTC (10-11 UTC winters) on 6045 kHz, with a power of 100 kW.
(Thomas Voelkner, Berlin, Germany via Anker Petersen/playdx)