
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Indonesia and Malaysia shortwave news

4749.94, RRI-Makassar, 1449-1559* UTC. Jan 24. Reactivated again, in Bahasa Indonesia. Easy listening pop songs, 1500-1515. Song of the Coconut Island interval signal, and relay of the Jakarta news. Back to pop songs, Love Ambon and sign off announcement from 1556-1559* (off just before the CNR1 time pips). Interference from Bangladesh Betar till their 1500 sign-off. Light interference from China's CNR1. Signal fair to poor. (Ron Howard, CA)

As I had foreshadowed a few weeks ago, RTVM has now introduced a second shortwave frequency from Kajang, 11665, carrying regular programming from Kuching via satellite feeds.

Appears to be 24 hours, and audible here strongly in Melbourne in window 1900 to 2100 UTC. Good signals, when parallel with 9835, taking the State Network "Sarawak FM" all-night service at that time.

Official ITU registration shows 100 kW, 93 degrees, CIRAF target zone 54NE, authorized 0000-1600.

I believe that the new channel is primarily intended for relaying the Sarawak State network "Wai FM" from Kuching, which is non 24 hours, operating in the period 2200-1600 UTC, mainly dialects programming.

11665 is also used by NHK (Yamata) 2200-0100 broadcasting to same target area.

Adjacent 11660 is occupied by Radio Australia Shepparton 2000-2200.
(Bob Padula, Melbourne, Australia)