
Thursday, January 27, 2011

NUJ reacts angrily to proposed BBC World Service cuts

Britain’s National Union of Journalists (NUJ) has reacted angrily to the announcement that hundreds of jobs and services are to be axed as a result of government cuts to BBC World Service funding.

NUJ general secretary Jeremy Dear said: “These cuts are a direct result of the Government slashing funding to an internationally respected and successful broadcaster. Journalists and other BBC employees are rightly angered at the destruction being caused to a broadcasting service of which the UK should be proud. The NUJ will join with other unions in defending jobs and quality broadcasting at the World Service. Our members have already explained, in a remarkably calm and reasoned way, why the cuts are such a severe threat to their service. World Service journalists have sought the support of senior parliamentarians in resisting these short sighted cuts and the NUJ will support their fight to defend jobs and quality services.”

Mr Dear added: “The diversity of staff and their presence in so many key locations around the world contributes to making the BBC World Service the leading voice in international broadcasting. At its best the World Service can challenge corruption, expose human rights abuses and promote democratic values. By cutting the service the government will cut British influence in the rest of the world, and cuts will also be deeply damaging for objective quality news services around the globe.”

(Source: National Union of Journalists/Radio Netherlands Media Network Weblog)