
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*

9745, Radio Bahrain, 0020-0050. Feb 21. Carrier + USB,Arabic talk. Lite instrumental music. Local Middle Eastern style music. Weak. (Brian Alexander, PA)

With protesters demanding change, Bahrain can be heard with lyric Arabic music (sounds like songs about Bahrain, if I get the singer right) on 9745.0 kHz (20 Feb 2011, 0000 UTC) with a weak signal, but in the clear. Just music, short news at top of the hour. While the carrier and USB are there, the lower sideband seems to be missing, or weaker. (Eike Bierwirth, Germany/HCDX)

4925.23, Radio Educacao Rural, Tefe, Amazonas. Low signal with music at 1015. Male announcer in Portuguese at 1022. Orchestral bridge music, then into program of apparent taped soccer highlights. Held to 1037, about as late as Brazil sticks around. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

15189.98, Radio Inconfidéncia, 2215-2245. Portuguese talk. Jingles. Station ID at 2234. Fair. Poor to fair on // 6010. (Brian Alexander-PA)

4865.041, Radio Verdes Florestas, 1103-1115. Principly noted a male in Portuguese with comments until about 1108, female takes over. At 1113 male's additional comments. This is the only signal on or near this frequency at the present time. (Chuck, Bolland, FL)

China resumed its government radio censorship this local morning with more Firedragon music crashing booming and banging. A sampling of frequencies observed on 21 Feb 2011 from El Mirage, Arizona, just after 17:00 UTC : 11940, 9905, 9455, 9355*, 7445, 7415; * music and audio of intended target (Radio Free Asia via Marianna Islands) could be heard underneath.(Rick Parton, AZ).

7610 Gunaz Radio (TDP) in Azeri from Feb. 21: 1430-1930 New frequency on 7610 SMF 250 kW / 130 deg to CeAS, ex 7510* *to avoid R. Pakistan in English 1600-1610 and FEBA in Silte 1730-1800 (R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 21)

7610 Gunaz Radio, 1643. Talk by female announcer in Azeri with short music intervals. Too many mentions of Iran after the short musical breaks that made me think, this program came from VoiRI (Iran). Also mentioned for Amnesty International. Dull audio, S10 44544 with co channel interference. (Liangas Ziangas, Greece/Cumbre DX)

17725, Radio Y’ Abaganda via France, *1700-1715.* Sign on with crowd noise and yelling. English announcement at 1701. Local vocal music at 1702. Choral music at 1708. Speech in local language at 1711 with many mentions of Uganda and Baganda. Sat only. Fair. (Brian Alexander-PA)

13740, Radio Dabanga via Germany transmitter, 1615-1627.* Arabic talk to station ID jingles. Fair to good signal, Weak on // 11515 - via Madagascar, 11515 about one second ahead of 13740. (Brian Alexander, PA)  

11570, Radio Miraya via Slovakia transmitter, *1400-1435. Station sign-on with African music to Arabic talk. Station IDs at 1403 and 1421. Some local Horn of Africa style music. Fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Dominican Republic
2280,08, Radio Anacaona, 0145-0258.* Second harmonic of 1140v. Spanish music. Spanish announcements. ID at 0226. Appeared to sign off at 0258, but carrier remained on the air past 0320. Poor in noisy conditions but fair on peaks. Surprisingly good signal on occasional peaks. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4780, Radio Djibouti, *0300-0350. Station sign on with national anthem. Arabic talk. Qur`an at 0303. Arabic talk at 0314. Local guitar music at 0341 along with rustic vocals. Horn of Africa style music. Fair signal, had to use ECSS-LSB due to digital hash on high side. (Brian Alexander-PA)

6050 HCJB, Pichincha. Station relaying local BCB 690 kHz programming, 1040-1110. Clear frequency and nice signal with Ecuadorian folkloric music featuring groups of women in high-pitched yipping singing in Quechua or other local language along, with guitar accompaniment. Decent signal though announcer muffled. Mentioned "Pastor Carlos" and "La Voz Campesina". Piano and vernacular singers in pasillo style hymn with guitar at 1158 to time pips on the hour. Station ID at 1110 "Radio H-C-J-B . . ." Great listening, a treat to hear the local stream so well, especially at this hour when they are playing such great music. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

7235, Voice of Eritrea, *0359-0431.* Sign on with Horn of Africa music. Talk in listed Tigrinya at 0400. Horn of Africa music. Poor in noisy conditions. Signals stronger on // 9559.96v - drifting up to 9560.07 by sign off. Tues, Thur, Sat only. (Brian Alexander-PA)

Annual broadcast heard on 21 Feb., 15215, Radio Öömrang via Wertachtal, *1600-1700*
Noted here with marginal signal at sign-on, gradually improved. By 1635 signal was over S7 to S9 level!. All talk, by male and female speakers, some bits of English words, but no ID heard. Off in mid-sentence. Was hoping for something special, for this once a year event. Best heard on the windom antenna with the MFJ-941B tuner. (Ed Kusalik, ALberta, Canada)

4899.98, Radio Familia, 2335-0001.* Afro-pop music. French announcements. Fair level but poor overall signal due to strong CODAR interference. (Brian Alexander-PA)7125, Radio Guineé, 0722-0745. French talk and local tribal music. Afro-pop music. Fair. (Brian Alexander-PA)

4749.978, RRI Makassar, Tentative, 1030-1045. Noted a male in Islamic type reciting until 1034 when a female talks in Indonesian language. After she comments, a brief interlude of music is heard, then more comments. At 1036 a male converses with the female. Signal was poor and muffled. As I decided to tune away, I notice a second signal on 4750.030 starting to fade in, but it's still too weak to copy anything. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5010, RTV Malagasy, 0300-0315. Local Afro-pop music. Malagasy talk. Carrier + USB. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander-PA)

9690, Voice of Nigeria, 0840-0910. Tune-in to talk in listed Hausa. Local drums at 0858. Into English programming at 0900 with news. Program about weavers in Nigeria. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander-PA)

7615 Radio Pakistan 1718. Religious type Hindi songs. At 1730 man with Islamic type talks Found on //7530. Audio file: (Zacharias Liangas, Greece/playdx)

4955.006, Radio Cultura Amauta, 1117-1130. Best signal on the band, noted a male and female in what sounded like serious Spanish comments. Heard the male mention "Amauta" here and there during his comments. This sounds like a news program with reports being presented by other anouncers. After listening for awhile, "Amauta and Peru" are mentioned rather often. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4775, Radio Tarma. Also IDing at times as "Radio Tarma Internacional." Tune-in to program at 1102 already in progress with arpa musica> Announcer's station ID over "...4775 kiloHertz, Radio Tarma, la primerissima . . . muy buenos dias, senoras y senores . . ." After Peruvian folkloric musical riff, then sound of siren wailing, explosion and into morning news program. Long electronic music intro, followed by male announcer who rambled on with news items including taped actualities, "Buenos dias! Buenos dias! Buenos dias!! Radio Tarma, las 6 de la manana con 6 minutos . . . amables oyentes, nuestra programa . . . (sounded like:) 'El Demoledor' . . . " Signal fading but held to 1125. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

4774.959, Radio Tarma, 1048-1100. Brief Spanish comments at tune in which was followed with Huaynos music. Signal remained at a fair level during this period. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4789.92t, Radio Vision, Chiclayo. Tentatively the one here 1106 tune-in to 1125 tune-out, due to horrendous noise on the bands. Fair signal, news program by male announcer in Spanish with remote phone-ins by female. UTC -5 time checks matching Peru, 1120 announcer "...las seis de la manana . . . programa de noticias . . .". Widely reported in Europe on this precise off-frequency. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

6165, ZNBC, 0249-0250. Very weak Fish Eagle interval signal heard under Radio Netherlands.Only heard the distinctive interval signal for a minute before disappearing under a strong Radio Nederland.(Brian Alexander, PA)