
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Radio Liberty frequency changes

Transmitters located in Sri Lanka, Thailand and Tinian

Radio Liberty (a division of Radio Free Europe)

All times UTC / NF - new frequency

0400-0500 NF 7425 LAM 100 kW 055 deg to RUSS, x9760 in Russian
1200-1230 NF 11990 TIN 250 kW 315 deg to CeAS, x11805*in Kyrgyz
1900-2130 NF 9965 IRA 250 kW 332 deg to WeAS, x9340 in Farsi Radio Farda
2000-2100 NF 7485 UDO 250 kW 316 deg to CeAS, x5990#in Tatar-Bashkir
2000-2200 NF 5930 BIB 100 kW 063 deg to EaAS, x7485 in Belarusian

* to avoid Voice of Turkey in Chinese
# to avoid Radio Romania International in Romanian
(R BULGARIA DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 10)
(DX Mix News # 664 via Ivo Ivanov, Bulgaria & Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany)