
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Radio Netherlands Program Guide , March 18-24

The State We're In

Jonathan Groubert and his team look at current events from an unexpected perspective.

This week: FYI (For Your Information)

Sometimes getting information out there becomes a life’s work. An Indonesian man explains how helping out tsunami survivors seven years ago turned him into a national figure. A Pakistani doctor recounts the funny and sometimes poignant tale behind getting a sex education book published in Pakistan.

A Pashtun-Pakistani journalist in exile explains how he was threatened for telling the truth about the targeted killings of the Pashtun minority in Karachi. And an ex-spy for the US forces describes how he gets information from prisoners, without resorting to torture.

First airing: Saturday 02:00 UTC

Earth Beat
Marnie Chesterton and her team look at the footprint we’re leaving on our planet.

This week: Going intergalactic

Space. Is it the final frontier? Or should we boldly go where none have gone before? From space debris and who owns the moon to finding Mars on Earth, we examine life beyond our atmosphere.

First airing: Friday 02:00 UTC

Bridges With Africa
We're giving the microphone to Diaspora groups in Europe and are linking up with stations in Africa.

This week:

Ghaddafi regains the upper hand in Libya. What would his victory mean for Africa?
Nigerian prostitutes seek love and money in Rome, but find only misery.
Islam and Senegal – could the revolutions in Egypt and Tunisia happen in West Africa? A special report on Senegal’s own brand of Islam.
The South African jailbird singing his way to freedom. We speak to Larry Joe.

First airing: Friday 00:00 UTC

Africa in Progress
Inspiring round-table discussions with guest speakers and in-depth interviews give listeners food for thought.

This week: To tell or not to tell - sex and HIV

Young people make up about 17 percent of all of those who are infected with the HIV virus in the world. One of their biggest challenges is how to manage their sexuality in a responsible way. When and how should they reveal their status? In an openhearted round table discussion, three youths who are living with aids share their dilemmas about sexuality and relationships with us.

First airing: Monday 18:00 UTC

South Asia Wired
Programme in which South Asians get to talk to each other, hosted by Dheera Sujan.

This week: Cricket World Cup Cricket fever

Cricket World Cup fever is spreading in the South Asian region, where the world’s top cricket teams are competing in this year's Cricket World Cup. But apart from the usual favourites, there are also a few lesser-known countries present, for instance Kenya, Ireland, Canada and the Netherlands.

However, the orange-clad Dutch team hasn't been very succesful so far, losing all of its five games. In this week's edition of South Asia Wired, you can hear a special report from India about the adventures of 15 amateurs who are trying to conquer the world on their quest to make this game a little more popular in their home country.

(There'll be a new edition of the programme on Thursday 24 March)

First airing: Thursday 15:14 UTC

Commonwealth Story
A selection of winning stories chosen from the large number of entries for the 2010 Commonwealth Short Story Competition.

This week: The Beast that Came from the Sea - by Lani Young from Samoa. A natural disaster and a mother's tragic loss.

First airing: Tuesday 00:55 UTC

Hear the World
Listen to the world’s musical heartbeat on RNW. A brand new world music series hosted by Dheera Sujan.

This week:

Djivan Gasparyan from Armenia is the grand master of the duduk, the Armenian oboe made from apricot wood. At the Music Meeting in Nijmegen, he played tranquil and melancholic folk melodies with his duduk quartet. The Stevens Church in the city of Nijmegen provided an ideal acoustic space to catch the Armenian soul in the enchanting delecate sounds of the duduk.

The Black Sea Orchestra consists of musicians representing musical traditions from eight countries on the Black Sea: Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece, Russia, Moldavia, Ukraine, Romania and Georgia. Every member of the group contributes a composition from his or her own tradition to the Music Meeting while the other members respond with spontaneous improvisation.

First airing: Monday 03:00 UTC

RNW Classical
Classical concerts from the Royal Concertgebouw as well as studio recordings of Dutch performers, presented by Hans Haffmans.

A relay of part of the music programming of our sister web station

First airing: Monday 01:00 UTC

Radio Netherlands English service (to 26 March 2011)

1000-1057 9720as 12065as (Asia)
1400-1500 12080as 15595va (Asia/various areas)
1500-1557 15595as
1800-1857 6020af 11655af (Africa)
1900-1957 7425af 9895af 11615af 11655af
2000-2057 5935af 7425af 11655af
(R Netherlands/Leo van der Wounde)