
Friday, April 08, 2011

Update on new Aussie station on shortwave

Sounds like Ron Howard is staying on top of this new station from Australia

5050, from 0943 to 1030 UTC, April 7. Easy-listening instrumental music, man with (Australian accent) and woman announcers to 0949 into segment of pop songs (Aretha Franklin's Respect, Chicago's Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is? and Johnny Cash, etc. Between songs gave local time, a historical item with dates, 1025 local news (something about a security guard, and a police report. By 1030 BBR interference was coming up. Unable to make out any ID, so is there a station name now? Poor reception, but still a pleasant surprise on a day that had stupendously good Pacific and Asia propagation. Audio at

Was very happy to log the low powered Australian station on 5050 today and now thanks to Ian Baxter, I have an informative unofficial e-QSL.

Ron Howard
San Francisco, CA

######## QSL ########

Hi Ron,

Pleased to know that you can receive [Ozyradio]: (owner label for radio & not necessarily what the station will eventually ID itself as), from the USA. The station presently broadcasts with just 300Watts.

I can confirm that you did indeed receive VKD963 Ozyradio on 5050kHz based on your program description & MP3 file at the time of reception.

Presently Ozyradio don't actually have live announcers. Programming is 100% automated. Time announcements & news feeds are current, but automated. Sorry to say
there are presently no station IDs.

The dipole transmission antenna is now 13m above the ground. I suggested to the owner during the previous broadcast to get the dipole up up up & away from
obstructions. Signal is now getting out with good local reports over eastern Australia & now making it to the USA as I'd hoped.

Again, well done Ron on your reception.

Ian Baxter

(Ron Howard, CA/Cumbre DX)