
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Voice of Korea to launch website

Text of report by state-run North Korean radio on 12 April

The Voice of Korea [VOK] will open its Internet homepage. The VOK will open its Internet homepage.

Dear audience,
The VOK will newly open its Internet homepage from Sun’s Day on 15 April, the birth anniversary of great leader [suryo'ng] President Kim Il Sung [Kim Il-so'ng]. The Internet homepage address can be located at

We notify you that the VOK will newly open its Internet homepage from Sun’s Day on 15 April, the birth anniversary of great leader President Kim Il Sung. The Internet homepage address can be located at

The VOK’s Internet homepage, to be launched anew, will further strengthen relations with the audience.

(Source: Central Broadcasting Station, Pyongyang, in Korean 2100 gmt 12 Apr 11 via BBC Monitoring)
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

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