
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Mighty KBC set to return to shortwave in October

Dutch-based KBC Radio has published the following information: “The Mighty KBC will start broadcasting on shortwave on 30-10-2011 Saturday and Sunday between 11.00 – 16.00 UTC. There is a good chance that we will use our new frequency during weekdays as well in the future. Within a few weeks we will announce our new frequency.”
(R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)

Earlier comments from the station; The KBC Radio website adds: “We are trying to return on SW in November 2011. Minimum power is 100KW. We are also checking if we can beam again to the USA on shortwave.

“For reception reports please mail to KBC531 @ or write to The Mighty KBC, Argonstraat 6, 6718 WT Ede, The Netherlands. Send 2 USD if you want to receive our Mighty KBC QSL card.”
(Source: KBC Radio)