
Friday, September 23, 2011

QSL Report Central

Special thanks to one of my Canadian contributors, Edward Kusalik. Today's QSLs are a portion of his recent QSLs. Additional contributions will be included in a future edition of my QSL Report column in Monitoring Times magazine. Contributions are always welcome, and our worldwide readers enjoy reading what you're QSLing.
Gayle Van Horn

6080 Radio Australia-ABC Radio Queensland Special Tropical Yasi Broadcast via Shepparton. Full data (with site/power/specific name of the Broadcast) Medium wave and short-wave broadcasting in Australia QSL card. Also received with the QSL’s, program and shortwave guide and ARDXC Information. Verified in 29 days, after sending second follow-up inquiry for a total of four months. (Kusalik-ALB)

11549.10 Radio Australia Indonesian Broadcast via Tainan. Full data ‘Radio Australia in Touch With the World QSL Card’. Verified in 29 days,after sending second follow-up inquiry for a total of four months.(Kusalik-ALB)

5820 Radio Free Europe Turkmen Broadcast via IBB/VOA Kuwait Transmitter. Received a nice BIG Brown envelope from Washington, inside as a Full data QSL card (with NO site) of VOA Curtain Arrays, plus collection/ 2011 calendar of VOA Journalists, Postcards. Reception Report.This for a report direct to Kuwait but reply came from Washington. Reply in seven months. (Kusalik-ALB)

9490 Radio Canada Int'l, Mandarin Broadcast to China via IBB/VOA Tinang. Full data (with site) Maple Leaf Mail Bag QSL card with schedule for a postal report, reply in 15 days.

15595 Deutsche Welle Dari and Pashtu Broadcast via Krasnodar. Full data (with site) ’20 years of German Unity’ QSL card for a Postal report to Customer Service to Bonn address. Reply in 26 days. (Kusalik-ALB)

15595 Deutsche Welle Urdu Broadcast via Krasnodar. Full data (with site) ’20 years of German Unity’ QSL card for a Postal report to Customer Service to Bonn address. Reply in 16 days. (Kusalik-ALB)

6140 Radio Australia English Broadcast via Singapore. Full data ‘Radio Australia in Touch With the World QSL Card’ Verified in 29 days, after sending second follow-up inquiry for a total of four months. (Kusalik-ALB)

Sri Lanka
6165 Deutsche Welle German broadcast to Asia via Trincomala. Full data (with site) ’20 years of German Unity’ QSL card for a postal report. Reply in 20 days. (Kusalik-ALB)

11605.1o Radio Free Asia Vietnamese Broadcast via Tan-shui. Full data (with site indicated as ‘Asia’) ’15 years of bringing Free press to Closed Societies’ Card and a nice RFA Blue Date Book for an e-mail report. Reply in 11 days. (Kusalik-ALB)

United Arab Emirates
9715 Deutsche Welle Russian Broadcast to CIS via Dhabayya. Full data (with site) ’20 years of German Unity’ QSL Card. Also sent press release of the up-coming changes on short wave future. Reply in 33 days. (Kusalik-ALB)

13840 Deutsche Welle English broadcast to Africa via Dhabayya. Full data (with site) ’20 years of German Unity’ QSL card, for a report sent during a postal disruption. Reply in 33 days. (Kusalik-ALB)