
Monday, October 24, 2011

RAI MW Time Signals Can be Decoded

Courtesy of our friend Patrick Lindecker, F6CTE - developer of Multipsk and the UDXF newsgroup.

"For information, Paolo (IZ1MLL) made a list of RAI frequencies. Normally each RAI transmitter transmits at the end of each hour a time signal (decodable with Clock the companion of Multipsk located in the Multipsk package):"

The updated situation of the italian RAI transmitters divided by frequency (kHz) and power (kW) is the following:

567 Bologna (60 kW), Caltanissetta (20)
657 Pisa (2x55), Napoli (50), Bolzano (25)
693 Potenza (20)
819 Trieste (20)
846 Roma (50)
873 Taranto (1)
900 Milano (600)
936 Venezia (12), Trapani (10)
999 Volpiano/Torino (50), Perugia (25), Rimini (6), Capo Vaticano (2)
1035 Pescara (10), Lecce (2)
1062 Cagliari (60), Catania (20), Ancona (10), Trento (2)
1107 Roma (6)
1116 Cuneo (20), Palermo (10), Bari (5), Aosta (2)
1143 Sassari (10)
1314 Matera (2)
1431 Foggia (2)
1449 Squinzano (50), Biella/Belluno/Bressanone/Brunico/Como/Sondrio (2), Cortina (1)
1575 Portofino/Genova (50), Gorizia (2), Campobasso/Nuoro (1)
1584 Terni (2)

Thanks Patrick for sharing this information with the rest of the radio community.