
Friday, January 06, 2012

Blog Logs

All times UTC
*sign-on / sign-off* // parallel frequency

Logs edited for clarity

5952.37, Emisoras Pio XII, 0032-0045. Heard a male/female's Spanish comments until 0034 when traditional music. Signal was fair with some splatter,but overall it's readable. (Chuck Bolland,FL)

6134.814, Radio Santa Cruz, 0030-0100. Not much can be heard with a strong station on 6135 KHz that is swapping Santa Cruz. However, underneath, it's possible to hear a female in Spanish with comments that are barely audible. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

5970, Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. Good sig 2240 12/30 with ID. Early fade-in as befits far SE Brazil location. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre)

6059.96, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 2300. Male announcer's clear ID for "Super Radio Deus e Amor" and then into program of Portuguese love songs featuring lady with orchestra. Big booming signal, easy listening. None of the SRDE // frequencies noted coming through at this time. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre)

5990, Radio Senado. Terrific reception this week, very early, noted several mornings blowing in with a big signal on nice clear frequency. At 0755 with Portuguese pop song, followed by taped ID extravaganza at 0801, with chimes. Male announcer in echo, mentions of frequencies and ondas curtas, "Bom Dia!" and another ID as "Radio Senado, a música regional de . . ." Then into a program of ranchera-like musical selections. Also pinning the S-meter needle at 0959 on 12/30. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre)

4865.03, Radio Verdes Florestas, Cruz do Sul. Signal holding up quite late most mornings, from approx 1000 sign-on to nearly 1100, and at times, surprisingly, the best Latin in the 60 meter band here. Heard wiht segued ballads, no announcements at all until 1055 when into an ID sequence -- live male announcer with clear "Radio Verdes Florestas!" ID and then female with canned ID and frequency run-down. Propagation on this one behaves much more like a Peruvian than a Brazilian, thanks to far western Brazil location. Holds up long after other Brazilians like 4885 have faded away. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre)

6164.96, RNT, 2225-2256, French talk. Local Afro-pop music and French pop ballads. Fair to good but with some adjacent channel splatter. Still running past their normal 2230 sign off time. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4800.00, China National Radio 1, 1130-1145. Noted different individuals in Chinese with comments during the period. Search for parallel broadcast and could hear a threshold signal on 9630 KHz only. The broadcast on 4800 was at a fair level during the entire period. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4940.073, Voice of Strait, 1055-1110. Prior to the hour, noted a female in Chinese with comments. On the hour heard time tones - 4 short one long, followed with male's Chnese comments and possibly news. Music to 1107, signal never really good enough to listen for pleasure. (CHuck Bolland, FL)

1450-1600* Denge Mezopotamya via Ukraine. Indigenous vocals. Kurdish instrumental music. Talk in listed Kurdish. 5 time pips at 1600 followed by a short announcement
and off. Poor. Weak but readable. Still running past their normal 1500 sign off time. Also tentatively heard on 7540 at 1601 sign on with a threshold signal. (Brian Alexander-PA)

9730.03, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea, 0310-0335. Local Horn of African music. Vernacular talk. Very weak modulation, // 7175 - fair but with some occasional amateur radio adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6130 RN Lao, Vientiane. Highlight of the month has been the reemergence of this one, loggable on many mornings. Was best in early Dec, after Chuck Rippel tip, but still hearing this week tho not as well as earlier in Dec (12 / 3,4,5,6). Propagation window for here opens up around 1245 and holds thru 1300+, tho was hearing as early as 1230 in early Dec. Best signal was on 12/4 with very enjoyable pgm of Laotian pop music -- very familiar to me after my years of working in Laos. Very enjoyable programming! Usually tones on the hour, but one time noted playing straight thru on a local Sun night in Laos. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre)

5010.18, Radio Madagasikara, *0229-0245. Sign on with local African pop music. Short 25 second interval signal at 0230 followed by choral national anthem. Opening announcements at 0233. Malagasy talk. Weak. Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6009.96, Radio Mil, Mexico City. To answer question recently posed on a DXer user group, yes, XEOY is still here. Noted at 1022 with SS pop vocals. Good signal after phasing away the co-channel crud. Lite het was un-notchable. Segued songs to 1028 ID by OM, "En Radio Mil, muy buenos dias y cordiales saludos, amables oyentes . . . Mexico . . ." (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre)

9704.99, LV du Sahel, 2230-2300*, French talk. Euro-pop and Afro-pop music. Local chants at 2255. Closing announcements at 2258 followed by flute interval signal. Choral national anthem at 2258:35. Two second test tone at 2300 and off. Poor to fair with some adjacent channel splatter. Irregular. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6089.86, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 0605-0640. Vernacular talk. Local tribal music. Some talk a little muffled. Fair signal with Anguilla 6090 off the air. No sign of Brazil. (Brian Alexander, PA)

15140, Radio Sultanate of Oman, 1428-1450. Tune-in to lite pop music. Chimes at 1433 followed by the usual filler theme music. ID. English news at 1434-1447. Pop music at 1448. Poor in local noise. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6173.914, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 0040-0100. Male withb Spanish comments just under the noise. At 0044 music is presented, signal was threshold during the period.(Chuck Bolland, FL)

5039.38, Radio Libertad de Junin. Noted many mornings this month with poor-fair signal, often opening day's xmsn around *1000. Noted with taped organ and echo-voiced ID announcement at 1001 and then live announcer from 1004. Interestingly, this one seems to have become the most reliable Peruvian in the 60 meter band for me this winter, taking the crown from nominal 4790 Radio Vision de Chiclayo, which has been missing in action. Am hearing Junin more frequently even than Radio Tarma on nominal 4775. Unfortunately, it's a matter of this one being the best of a bad lot, as other Peruvians are just not coming thru very well this month (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre)

4775.00, Radio Tarma, 0055-0100. Noted a weak signal here with ballad type music.
Interference from a fax of some sort, caused problems. Male with some Spanish comments interrupts the music at 0059. Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland,FL)

6055, Radio Rwanda, 2030-2101*, Afro-pop music. Vernacular talk. Abrupt sign off. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA)6055, Radio Rwanda, 2025-2300+, on late for New
Years celebrations with a wide variety of US pop, Euro-pop and Afro-pop music. Vernacular and French talk. Interviews. Party atmosphere at times. Possible national anthem at 2158. Speech at 2200. Possible national anthem again at 2205-2208 followed
by local music. Fair. Weak co-channel QRM from India at their 2244 sign on. Covered by a strong Spain at their 2259 sign on but still slightly heard under Spain. (Brian Alexander, PA)
and from our Twitter follower, Robert Sillett the following logs.

LBANIA CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL 7,210 2252GMT SS 35433 31-DEC Chinese pop music. (RS)

ALBANIA CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL 7,285 2117GMT EE 25322 31-DEC Woman and man with news. (RS)


ANGUILLA (U.K.) WORLD UNIVERSITY NETWORK 11,775 1909GMT EE 55555 31-DEC Dr. Gene Scott

ASCENSION ISLAND (U.K.) BBC WORLD SERVICE 9,915 2101GMT EE 15321 31-DEC Man and woman talking. Weak signal

ASCENSION ISLAND (U.K.) BBC WORLD SERVICE 9,915 2229GMT EE 25422 31-DEC ID at the bottom of the hour. (RS)

ASCENSION ISLAND (U.K.) WYFR (FAMILY RADIO) 17,545 1647GMT EE 15411 31-DEC Hymns. Very weak.

AUSTRALIA RADIO AUSTRALIA 9,580 1342GMT EE 45534 31-DEC New Year's show. It's funny. I just am starting my day, and it's already tomorrow in Australia! End of transmission @ 1358. Then it came back with the IS at 1359 for a few seconds. Then it ended again. (RS)

AUSTRALIA RADIO AUSTRALIA 9,580 1219GMT EE 45444 02-JAN // 9,590 kHz. The audio here is muffled too. So it must be the source (i.e. tape recording) rather than the transmission.

BULGARIA RADIO BULGARIA 5,900 2245GMT EE 14321 31-DEC Music. (RS)

CANADA CBC NORTHERN QUÉBÉC SERVICE 9,625 2030GMT EE 25443 31-DEC Bad Canadian folk rock. (RS)


CANADA CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL (CRI) 6,040 2313GMT EE 45444 31-DEC Report on new years across the world. (RS)

CANADA CHU 7,850 2234GMT EF 25442 31-DEC (RS)

CANADA POLISH RADIO WARSAW 15,260 2239GMT PS 34343 02-JAN Man talking.

CANADA VATICAN RADIO 9,800 2050GMT EE 55444 31-DEC News. (RS)

02-JAN Man and woman talking. Musical interlude. What sounds like news.

CHINA CHINA RADIO INTERNATIONAL (CRI) 7,415 2134GMT EE 15311 31-DEC Mention of Valdimir Putin.


COSTA RICA RADIO EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA 9,765 2224GMT SS 35333 31-DEC Latin music. (RS)

COSTA RICA RADIO EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA 15,125 1721GMT SS 15322 31-DEC Spanish guitar music. Weak signal.

COSTA RICA RADIO EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA 17,850 1657GMT SS 55555 31-DEC Great signal! Spanish pop music. Time pips. ID. Again - great signal!!!!

CUBA RADIO HAVANA 9,710 2216GMT SS 45353 31-DEC ID.

CUBA RADIO HAVANA 9,810 2227GMT SS 35444 31-DEC Baseball. Mention of Panama and the United States.

CUBA RADIO REBELDE 5,025 1217GMT EE 55555 02-JAN Two men talking.

FRANCE ADVENTIST WORLD RADIO (AWR) 17,575 1649GMT SO 15421 31-DEC African music.

FRANCE RADIO FRANCE INTERNATIONALE 15,300 1743GMT FF 15311 31-DEC Amazingly weak. Heard man talking.


GREECE VOICE OF GREECE 7,450 2122GMT GR 25422 31-DEC Greek music. Shocking!

INDIA ALL INDIA RADIO 11,670 1751GMT EE 35543 31-DEC Indian music. At the top of the hour, ID. Reports on the new year celebrations.

RWANDA DEUTSCHE WELLE 9,655 2033GMT GG 25322 31-DEC A new years program.

SPAIN RADIO EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA 15,110 2233GMT SS 25333 02-JAN Woman talking over music playing in the background. News with mention of the United States.

SPAIN RADIO EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA 17,595 1652GMT SS 45433 31-DEC Man talking.

SPAIN RADIO EXTERIOR DE ESPAÑA (REE) 6,055 2315GMT FF 44444 31-DEC News. Mention of Africa.

SRI LANKA BBG - RADIO FARDA 7,580 2152GMT FA 25432 31-DEC // 7,520 kHz
UNITED KINGDOM BBC WORLD SERVICE 17,780 1655GMT HA 24222 31-DEC Man talking.

VATICAN CITY BBG - VOICE OF AMERICA (VOA) 15,620 1746GMT SO 25332 31-DEC Woman talking.