
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Blog Logs

Logs edited for clarity

// parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*

All times UTC

4699.33, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta. Heard at 1008 thru 1029. Fair signal and muffled mod with that "bottom of the barrel" sound. At 1014 seemed like a regional news segment with light echo. Clear mentions of Bolivia, and then, at 1016 "...las seis de la manana y 16 minutos con la musica de la madrugada en San Miguel . . .". Into nondescript vocals. Ad string at 1028 but couldn't pick up any product names. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

6134.823, Radio Santa Cruz, 0030-0100. Station is now a tough catch. Voice of Russia is on 6135 with a very strong signal, while RSC is half as strong being drown out by VOR. Noted a female in Spanish comments from Radio Santa Cruz. At 0035 noted music being presented. Signal remained at a threshold level however. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

6120, Super Rádio Deus é Amor, 0850-0900. Usual emotional Portuguese preacher. Poor to fair. Covered by Radio Netherland after 0900. Fair to good on // 6059.95. Threshold signal on // 9564.87. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6150, Radio Record, Sao Paulo (presumed), 2314-2332. Talk in Portuguese by man followed by pop ballad music. Talk by male/female announcers over music at 2322. Back to music at 2324 with a couple of English language selections ("Unforgettable", etc.) Portuguese talk by announcer duo at 2331. Poor to moderate signal strength with fading. Chinese talk sometimes heard faintly below. (Jim Evans, TN)

9550.1, Radio Boa Ventade, Porto Alegre, 2303-2307. Pop ballad music. Talk in Portuguese over music by announcer duo at 2306. Poor signal strength, occasionally fading up to moderate. (Jim Evans, TN)

9665, Radio Voz Missionaria, Florianopolis, 2255-2300. Talk in Portuguese by man. Moderate signal strength with cochannel interference from KCBS in Korean. (Jim Evans, TN)

9665.02, Voz Missionária, 0610-0635. Portuguese inspirational music and Portuguese announcements. Weak in noisy conditions. Slightly stronger on // 5940.04 - but poor with adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA)

11765, Super Rádio Deus é Amor/Radio Tupi, Curitiba, 2304-2307. Contemporary religious music. Talk in Portuguese by man followed by more music. Moderate signal strength. (Jim Evans, TN)

11780, Radio Nacional de Amazonia, Brasilia, 2306-2309. Talk in Portuguese between studio announcer and second man at remote location or on call-in. Pop ballad music at 2307. Moderate signal strength with little fading. (Jim Evans, TN)

11815, Radio Brazil Central, Goiana, 2309-2313. Fast talk in Portuguese by man over pop vocal music. Music only at 2310. Moderate signal strength. (Jim Evans, TN)

11855, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2311-2314. Talk in Portuguese by woman. A few bars of music followed by talk by man. Poor signal, just above noise level, with little fading. (Jim Evans, TN)

6159.98 CKZU Vancouver 1422-1431. Gogi Grant's "Wayward Wind," then male/female chatting to 1430. CBC Regional News was next. Fair signal in the noise. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

6164.96, RNT, 0427-0445. Audible after Radio Netherlands 6165 sign off at 0427. Local Afro-pop music. French announcements. Poor with weak interference from unidentified station on 6165. Possibly Zambia. (Brian Alexaner, PA)

5910, Radio Alcaraván 0632 Spanish. Songs, full ID with frequency at 0634, 0637 tune-out. Fair. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

4814.98, Radio El Buen Pastor. Head at 1106 with Ecuadorian pasillos featuring guitars and piano. Usual high-voiced male announcer with timecheck at 1108, then back into pleasant program of folklorico music. Fair signal with usual blipping utility interference. One of the only places on the band to hear wonderful Ecuadorian folkloric music, the other being HCJB - Pichincha on 6050 kHz. Speaking of that, what is the source of the unid signal hetting HCJB at approx 6050.84, many mornings? Can never raise audio from it but certainly tantalizing. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

3290, Voice of Guyana, Sparendaam, 0634-0640. Talk in English by man, apparently BBC programming. Poor signal with fading and lots of static making it difficult to understand the subject discussed. 1/13/2012 (Evans - TN)

3290, Voice of Guyana, Georgetown 0945-1002. Male announcer with morning devotional program and "Answers to Life's Questions." Statiob ID and music at 1000 UTC. Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH)

9425, All India Radio National Channel, Bengaluru, 2249-2255. Non-stop Hindi music. Moderate signal strength with atmospheric noise and occasional deep fades. Weaker but less noisy parallel heard on 9470 (Aligarh). (Jim Evans, TN)

9470, All India Radio National Channel, Aligarh, 2249-2255. Non-stop Hindi music. Poor to moderate signal strength with only minor fading. Stronger but noisy parallel noted on 9425 (Bengaluru). (Jim Evans, TN)

4820.82 AIR Kolkata(presumed) 1356-1420. Mostly talk to occasional short music clip. Signal strength almost fair but no competition for the S-9 band noise. Would have been readable were it not for the noise. On this freq next three mornings. (John Wilkins, CO/Cumbre DX)

4750.015, RRI Makassar, 1145-1200. Noted a female in Indonesian with comments until about 1148 when music is heard. Specifically hear a female singing. Signal remain a threshold level during the period. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

7320 Iran, V.O.I.R.I., Kamalabad 1431. Chorus with anthem, woman with sign-on (listed Bangla), Islamic call to prayer, 1435 man with news. Poor signal. (Harold Seller, Canada)

11600, Radio Télévision Libye - Radio Libye, *1612-1806* Station sign on with French talk and lite French instrumental music. French ballads. IDs. Talk. Fair, but some occasional strong noise. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5010.00, Radio Madagasikara, 0238-0300. Carrier + USB. Local African music. Rooster crows. Malagasy talk. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. Jan 13. Thanks to Ron Howard tip. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5995, RTVM, 0725-0800.* Continuous vernacular talk. Flute interval signal and a closing French announcement at 0759. Fair, but co-channel interference from Radio Australia at their 0758 sign on. (Brian Alexander, PA)
5995, RTVM, 0645-0701* Various male/female announcements in Arabic to indigenous music bits. Announcer's tentative ID at 0700. Music bit into talk then pulled the plug. Signal weak but clear and fair at best. (Scott Barbour, NH)

7245, IGIM, *0550-0610. Abrupt sign on with local chants. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6009.96, Radio Mil, 0850-0905. Spanish pop music. Spanish IDs at 0859 and back to Spanish pop tunes at 0900. Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)

North Korea
11680, KCBS, Kanggye, 2251-2300. Classical vocal music with announcements in Korean by woman between selecions. Announcements by woman at 2259 followed by pips on the hour, and more talk. Poor signal with fading and Portuguese language co-channel interference. Stronger parallel noted on 9665. (Jim Evans, TN)

9410 BBC relay, 1509 English service with “World Briefing” taking an in-depth look at news stories, 1514 tune-out. Very poor signal. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

9965 Via Radio Australia 1411 Chinese. Language lesson teaching English to 1424, then Chinese program. Poor, //11660 via Shepparton. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

5038.18, Radio Libertad de Junin. Came here from Tarma at 1035 and found fairly good signal, certainly best Andean signal on the band. Morning folklorico program, nice huaynos with yipping singers backed by guitars. At 1040 reverb taped ads followed by very nice, live ID by announcer "...en la ciudad de Junin, amables oyentes, ustedes escuchando a Radio Libertad . . . esperando le gusta . . . la musica nacional . . " Then into huayno with lady and guitar. (Ralph Perry,IL/Cumbre DX)

6173.931, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 0050-0100. Noted a truly threshold signal here with music until 0052 when a male comments for a minute. Language seemed to be Spanish, but uncertain due to weakness of the signal. Station remained active, but dropped into the noise as the top of the hour approached.(Chuck Bolland,FL)

4990, Radio Apintie Paramaribo 1006-1011. Service listed as Dutch. Female announcer with talk between up-beat music bits. Station ID announcments & "Radio Apinitie" jingle ID. male announcer at 1010 then signal rapidly faded out. (Scott Barbour, NH)

9655 KNLS-Alaska. Heard at 1502. English service under Radio Romania Int’l, with man and woman, program lineup, song, 1507 another ID. Poor. (Harold Sellers, Canada)