
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Blog Logs

Logs edited for clarity

// parallel frequency *sign-on / sign-off*

All times UTC

9745, Radio Bahrain, 0055-0115. Carrier + USB. Local Middle-Eastern vocals. Weak. Poor with adjacent channel splatter.(Brian Alexander, PA)

6134.822, Radio Santa Cruz, 1045-1100. Male's comments at tune in to music. Program format continued until the hour with a female joining in now and then. The noise was bad this morning, however the Russian that has been here lately blocking Radio Santa Cruz, was not on the air today. Maybe it has moved somewhere else? Radio Santa Cruz was a poor level during the period. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4877.30v, Rdif Roraima, 0315-0400. Poor to fair signal level but with very wobbly, unstable carrier. Portuguese ballads. Portuguese talk. Sign off around 0402.(Brian Alexander, PA)

4940.009, Voice of Strait. (presumed) 1120-1130. Noted a male/female announcers in Chinese with conversation. Signal peaks at 1122 briefly. Conversation continues to 1135 and beyond with signal steady at a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

4875.01, Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, 0405-0429.* Presumed with talk in unidentified language. Sign off with Middle-Eastern style music. Fair. Also heard earlier with interference from Brazil’s Roraima 4877.3v.(Brian Alexander, PA)

9505, BBC relay, 1550 English. “Sports World” with reports from the Africa Cup of Nations and British football matches. Fair signal. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

4780, Radio Djibouti, *0312-0334.* Abrupt sign on with Qur`an in progress. Arabic talk at 0316. Abruptly off the air at 0334. Poor in noisy conditions and occasional interference from two-way utility traffic. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4780, Radio Djibouti, 0318-0410. Tune-in to talk in unidentified language. Local tribal music at 0340. Some Horn of Africa style music. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. Improved to fair to good levels at 0340.(Brian Alexander,PA)

4780, Radio Djibouti, 2045-2102.* Talk in unidentified language. Horn of Africa style music. Sign off with instrumental national anthem at 2101. Barely audible, threshold signal at tune-in, but improved to a very weak, but audible level by sign off. Jan 21.(Brian Alexander, PA)

4780, Radio Djibouti, 2140-2300.+ Talk in unidentified language. Some local African music. Poor in noisy conditions. On the air past 2300 but gone at 2340 check. Running past their normal 2100 sign off time. (Brian Alexander, PA)
4918.98, Radio Quito, "me too" on this one. Bumped into big signal at 1033. Program of male/female in Spanish but mainly indigenous language (probably Quechua), reading items punctuated with bursts of musica ecuatoriana. Program ran to 1054 when nice ID, then orchestral version of HC national anthem (long form, with prelude, chorus, vocal middle section and grand wrap-up). Again, ID for Radio Quito afterward and then at 1100, into news show which sounded like "Noticiero Ecuadoradio" (?) presented by female in Spanish. After 1100, signal was much improved music. A few times heard some RTTY mixing with RQ, on same channel -- almost seemed same trnasmitter as Radio Quito. I wonder if they are sharing a utility transmitter for SW and using one of the sidebands for broadcast? (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

4918.98, Radio Quito, 0146-0300. Spanish talk. Station identification. Spanish ballads and pop music. Some Ecuadorian style music. Fair to good signal strength but announcements somewhat distorted. Still here at 0520 check. Jan 21. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5950, Voice of Tigray Revolution, *0255-0305. Sign on with local flute interval signal. Local music and vernacular talk at 0257. Weak under Okeechobee.(Brian Alexander, PA)

5765 GUAM AFRTS 1430 in USB. Military PSAs reguarding drugs, etc.,1432 reporting on the South Carolina Primary, their audio feed was breaking up badly today, sometimes brief, sometimes up to 5 seconds off. Fair signal. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

5010.00, Radio Madagasikara, 0220-0250. Carrier + USB. Tune-in to African choral music. Twenty-five second interval signal at 0226 followed by national anthem. Opening ID announcements at 0228:30. Malagasy talk. Local music. Weak but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9704.99, LV du Sahel, 2250-2259.* Indigenous music. French talk. Local chants at 2254Flute interval signal at 2257. Choral national anthem at 2257:30. Seven second test tone at 2259 and off. Poor to fair with some adjacent channel splatter. (Brian (Alexander, PA)

North Korea
Between 1300-1500 UTC, on Jan 24th I checked the various North Korean broadcasts and jamming stations on different remote units worldwide.

621, 1053, 2349.721, 3220.117, 3911.990, 3959.028, distorted audio modulation 3966v and 3979v, 3985, 4450, 5855, 6003, 6015, 6100, 6185.011, 6230, 6251 distorted,
6284.990, 6348, 6400, distorted 6509...6531, plus OHR 6522-6545 of unknown country origin, 6600, 7570.017, 9335.010, 9849.968, 9975.011, 11680, 11709.983, 12015.286 kHz. (W. Bueschel, Germany/HCDX)

4774.953, Radio Tarma, 1101-1115. Single male in Spanish with program comments. At 1106, second announcer joins in with comments, followed with promos and commercilas at 1107 UTC. Live comments at 1109. Signal was fair at times and dropping to poor at other times.(Chuck Bolland, FL)

11890, BBC relay 1446 English. “Sports World” looking at the Africa Cup of Nations (soccer). Fair-good. (Harold Sellers, Canada)

9440, Radio Taiwan Int’l, 1606 English. Man and woman with an item on Taiwanese political party, numerous IDs, addresses in Bangladesh and India, program “People” interviewing a hotel general manager. Fair. (Harold Sellers, Canada)