
Tuesday, January 03, 2012

How to Listen to the World e-book now available

Montoring Times, Features Editor, Ken Reitz has recently released a new Kindle e-book, we predict will be a hit. Whether you're a seasoned DXer or a novice just dabbling in the fascinating world of radio, this is the e-book not to be missed. Shortwave Central recommends How to Listen to the World to all radio hobbyist.
Gayle Van Horn

Press Release

How to Listen to the World
By Ken Reitz KS4ZR

A new Kindle e-book now available at the link below

“How to Listen to the World” by Ken Reitz is an introduction to shortwave listening, amateur radio, Free-to-Air satellite TV/radio, AM-FM DX, Internet radio and the new phenomenon of cord-cutting; getting off the addiction to cable and satellite-TV.
Much of the material is from columns and feature articles written by the author over the last two years for Monitoring Times, a national monthly magazine about all things radio, now in its thirty-second year. Each section has been updated to include the latest information available with over 100 links to the most important websites for each topic. Previously unpublished material has also been added to give the reader a fuller understanding of each topic. Kindle e-books can be read on any e-reader, laptop, desktop, or smartphone.

About the Author:
A freelance writer since 1988, Ken Reitz has written hundreds of feature articles and columns covering radio and television, satellite TV and amateur radio for several national consumer magazines. He has interviewed many of the top industry leaders and reviewed dozens of new products in this field. He has also earlier enjoyed a five year career in commercial AM and FM broadcasting and has been an amateur radio operator for the last 24 years holding an Extra Class license under the call sign KS4ZR. He is currently the features editor at Monitoring Times for which he also writes the Communications and Beginner’s Corner columns.

“How to Listen to the World” Table of Contents
Getting Started in Shortwave Listening
Buying Your First Shortwave Radio
Chasing DRM: The Elusive Dream of Digital Audio on Shortwave
A Look at Three New Shortwave Radios
The Best of the Cheap Shortwave Portables
Listening to Shortwave Radio in Your Car
Weather Facsimile via Shortwave on Your iPad
Radio Pirates: The intriguing world of unlicensed broadcasting
Amateur Radio for Everybody: Getting Your License
Getting Started on HF Part I
Getting Started on HF Part 2: Chasing DX
Getting Started on HF Part 3: QSL those Contacts!
Shortwave and Ham Antennas for the less Financially Endowed
Loop your way to HF DX Success
The Joys of Ten Meters
Digital Operating on the Ham Bands
Tuning in to the International Space Station
Whatever Happened to TVRO?
The Newest FTA Receiver: Manhattan RS1933
FM-HD: A Long and Winding Road
A Cord-Cutter’s Primer
Internet Radio Listening in a Non-FiOS Home