
Friday, May 04, 2012

Blog Logs

All times UTC

// parallel frequency *sign-on sign-off*

Logs edited for clarity

4750.00, Bangladesh Betar, Dhaka, 1219-1242. Bengali with subcontinent music and song. Muslim call-to-prayer as their local sunset is at 1220. Monday only English news bulletin at 1235 (SAARC News English) mixing badly with China's CNR1. Poor signal and no hint of Indo's RRI Makassar. (Howard). Also heard at 1655-1712.* Bengali talk, news, report. SINPO 25232. New schedule 0500-1710. Earlier used to switch off at 1500. (Chakroborty and Petersen/DX Window 453)

4805.01, Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, 0015. Songs for fair signal and CODAR interference. (Bernardini).Also heard at 0933-0941. Music and song to music bridge and talk. (Wilkner/DX Window 453)

4815.00, Radio Difusora, Londrina, PR, 2300-0023. Religious talks in Portuguese. SINPO 24342 splashes from 4820 China's Xizang. (Bernardini and Petersen/DX Window 453)

4974.95, Radio Iguatemi, Osasco, SP, 2300. Station reactivated! Clear ID: ”Rádio Iguatemi,” followed by nice local Brazilian songs, ID jingles and chatting in Portuguese by male and female announcers. Callers on telephone, laughing. Pretty good signal. (Bell/DX Window 453)

15190.05, Radio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte, MG, 0925. Very nice guitar for Latin American music. Poor signal in Germany at that time, only S=4-5. (Bueschel). Also heard at 2140-2300 with Portuguese talk, Brazilian pop music and station identification at 2200. Fair signal. Noticed switching back and forth several times between 15191.44 and 15190.04 at 2248-2250 before settling on 15191.44 at 2250. (Alexander in DXplorer/DX Window 453)

4850.00, Xinjiang PBS, Urumqi, 1620-1800.* New frequency ex out-of-band 4330 which was silent. Kazakh radiodrama with man talking and screaming persons. Classical Asian orchestra music and Kazakh folksongs. Time pips at 1700 and more songs except for a Russian song 1715, 1759 ann and time signal. SINPO 35333 improving to 45434 // 6015 (SINPO 35433). Still here Apr 30. Also heard at *2330-0020, Apr 19/20, Kazakh operatic songs (with a Russian flavor), 0057 mentioning Sinkiang twice, 0000 time signal, CNR interval signal to ID in Kazakh by man and woman: "Sinkiang khale radyo stanshata", ex 4330. Summerschedule! SINPO 44444 // 6015 (45344). (Petersen). I also was surprised to hear them on this new frequency at 1715, Apr 19, here in Kolkata, SINPO 45444. Now let's see, if they continue in this new frequency. (Chakroborty/DX Window 453)

5909.93, Alcavarán Radio, Lomalinda, Puerto Lleras, Meta, 0701-0734. Religious program to station ID as, "Por Alcavarán radio”. NOTE: Previously reported on 5909.02, SINPO 44444 in Peru, 23432 in Spain. (Arrunátegui and Méndez). Also heard
at 1000-1016, with Spanish ID at 1003. Arrangement for popular song, SINPO 25332. (Wagai/DX Window 453)

9760, Cyprus Broadcasting Corp., Zygi, *2215-2244:30.* Sign on with Greek music and Greek opening announcement. Greek talk to sign-off with Greek music. Strong. Very Good signal. Weaker on // 5925, 7220. Fr, Sa, Su only, but very irregular. (Alexander in DXplorer/DX Window 453)

6270.00, Radio Cairo, 0215-0230. Two females in conversation and typical music. Signal was strong, but had some distortion with it. (Chuck Bolland/DX Window 453)

9535, Apsua Radio, Abkhaz State R, Sokhumi, 0700-0804.* Russian until 0730, then Abkhazian, folcloric songs, 0741 ID: ”Apsua Radio”, station interval signal to piano music, 0802 news in Russian which abruptly was switched off at 0804. Weak signal for East European and Caucasian listeners. Old 5 kW transmitter jammer unit of USSR era. Also heard on receivers in upper Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Darmstadt, Amberg and Berlin. (Bueschel/DX Window 453)

4789.98, RRI Fak Fak, 1200-1401. Jakarta National News relay in Bahasa Indonesia, ending with their national song “Bagimu Negeri” (For You Our Country) // 3325 - RRI Palangkaraya, 4869.96 - RRI Wamena and 9680 - RRI Jakarta. Unable to hear 3995 - RRI Kendari. No longer // after 1221; DJ playing pop songs with a few songs in English.
Clear ID: “Radio Republik Indonesia Fak Fak”; poor with strong CODAR interference. The downside to listening next to the ocean is that these ocean related CODAR signals are stronger. Audio at: with start of the national song “Bagimu Negeri.” Song with rooster crowing and ID at 1:01. Audio seemed muffled. (Ron Howard, CA/DX Window 453)

5995, RTVM, Bamako, 2315-0001.* Local tribal music to Afro-pop music and indigenous vocals. Some talk in unidentified language, French talk, brief instrumental music, sign off with national anthem. Poor to fair. (Alexander in DXplorer and D’Angelo/DX Window 453)