
Tuesday, May 29, 2012

New clandestine station, Radio Naatham takes to the air


All times UTC // parallel *sign-on // sign-off*

12225, The new Tamil clandestine, Radio Naatham (Cf. 12250 below. Ed), Also heard at 1540-1602*, May 28 with western music, off without ID. (Koie)

12250. Tamil Government starts Radio Broadcast to Sri Lanka on May 18 - Third anniversary of Tamil Genocide.
The first special broadcast was scheduled for May 18 at 1500-1600. Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) today announced that it will start broadcasting Radio News to the Island of Sri Lanka starting from May 18, the third anniversary of the Genocide of Tamils by the Sri Lankan Government forces. The Tamil Government's Radio, called Naatham, will broadcast in SW frequency. This Radio can also be heard in India, Malaysia and Singapore where large number of Tamils live. While this broadcast will become a bridge between the Tamil diaspora and the Tamils living in Tamil homeland, it will also play a role of politically and emotionally link Tamils worldwide... "While the Tamils in the island of Sri Lanka are struggling to cope with the mass killing and be subject to systematic and pervasive human rights violation on account of their Tamil nationality, this broadcast will ease the pain and give them confidence that their dream of achieving sovereign and independent state of Tamil Eelam will become a reality" said Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran, Prime Minister of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE). "This broadcast will pierce the strict media censorship in Sri Lanka and reach the Tamils to give them unbiased information". ( May 16, via Roe via Chakroborty). Heard at 1531-1535, May 21, Tamil songs, 45544. (Petersen)
(DX Window 455)