
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Mid-winter special broadcast set for British Antarctic Survey

Welcome to mid-winter day in Antarctica ! Antarctic winterers from over 30 nations will celebrate the shortest day in Antarctica (June 20) after which the days start to slowly get longer and lighter. For many winterers, this will come as a relief as they have endured freezing temperatures as cold as −30°C, extremely high winds and nearly permanent darkness as the Sun has not risen from the horizon since mid May.

Traditional greetings and photographs are being shared between the research stations on the frozen continent and British Antarctic Survey staff will mark the day by exchanging handmade presents with their fellow winterers. Midwinter’s Day is the equivalent of Christmas Day for many as Christmas is typically just another working day during the very short summer season.

To commemorate this special event there will be a British Antarctic Survey Special to the staff. The broadcast day has not been confirmed, but is scheduled for Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (June 20-22, 2012) as;

2130-2200 UTC on 5950 SKN 300 kW / 195 deg
2130-2200 UTC on 7360 ASC 250 kW / 207 deg
2130-2200 UTC on 9850 SKN 250 kW / 195 deg
(sked via DX Re Mix 736)

Reception via Global Tuner may assist those unable to hear any of these broadcast. For more information on Global Tunes, consult

To learn about the dedicated teams of the British Antarctic Survey, please go to;