
Monday, September 10, 2012

Thazin Radio monitoring

7110 kHz {usually 9 hertz lower} Thazin Radio in English, at 1430- 1500* UTC on Monday, September 3. Theme music, in English which sounded like the different and unique intro used during the Burmese New Year Water Festival (Thingyan), hence must be a rebroadcast. Intro going something like this:

"good evening ... listeners. This is Thazin Radio, Pyin Oo Lwin. Welcome to our evening English transmission radiating on 639 kilohertz and 7 point 11 megahertz. I wish you a happy Thingyan and I hope you all are in excellent health, wealth and happiness."

Easy-listening music followed by: "good evening our dear listeners. May I present for you some sweet melodies for tonight." Pop songs then presented a program titled "Myanmar Festivals", a weekly Monday show. Informative program about the Phaung-daw-oo Festival "held yearly during the eighteen day period from first waxing of the Thadingyut [the seventh month on the Burmese calendar] to the third waning of the Thadingyut", during which Buddha images made of gold are rowed around Inle Lake+ in Shan State. The highlight is when the images arrive at the town of Nyaung Shwe.

MP3 audio at

This very nice reception continues to be a pleasure to listen to!
(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Sept 4)
(BCDX Top News # 1081)