
Friday, December 14, 2012

Blog Logs

* sign-on / sign-off*  // parallel frequency

All times UTC

logs edited for clarity

6035.02, BBS (presumed), 1253-1301. In vernacular and playing unique indigenous chanting/singing. Station mixing with PBS Yunnan, almost identical to my earlier reception, which was the last time I heard them. Worth checking ever day for this one! (Ron Howard, CA)

4795.93t, Radio Lipez, Uyuni. Tentatively the one here 0956 with the unmistakable Bolivian folklore music, but too weak to pull an ID today. Couple segued huainos with charango and guitar, yipping male singers to 1003 when echo announcement by male announcer in Spanish. More huaynos to 1008 when announcer again, after which came charango instrumental.  Weak signal and difficult to stay too long with this one. Signal lost by 1015 this day. Only a ‘fair’ Andes propagation morning, with marker stations 4747, 4775, 4790 and 4810 nowhere near their normal potential. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

 6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz. Lovely signal at 0948 tune-in.  Announcer mentioning “onda media . . . onda corta . . . frecuencia modulada . .transmite Radio Santa Cruz, desde Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia . “ Then came same public service announcement heard a previous morning, from Ministerio de Salud y Deportes de” Bolivia called “Contra Dengue!”, which was about taking steps to fight the tropical mosquito-borne illness. Folkloric music from 0952, with  DJ alternating in Spanish and presumed Aymara. Decent morning for Bolivia, as Radio Fides, La Paz, noted wide-open just up the band, on 6154.94 at 0955 with Bolivian music folklorica featuring pinkillo whistles and charango. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

5952.44, Radio Pio Doce, Llallagua. Appearing to have just signed-on. Announcer noted in echo completing his canned opening anmts, “ . . . de Bolivia . . . kilociclos onda media . . . onda corta
. . .” Live announcer at 1002 mentioned “esta manana, Domingo . . .” String of musical ads and then into bilingual morning show hosted by male/female duro – he speaks Spanish and she speaks in Aymara. Bolivian folkloric music. Held to 1020 when starting to fade. (Ralph Perry,IL/Cumbre DX)

4850, Xinjiang PBS (ex-4330). Randomly from 1236 to 1358. Scheduled to be in Kazakh; segments of talking and music. Sounded like a few ad. Many times signal was stronger than their reception yesterday, which was their first day here. Interference from India's AIR till their 1238*. Reception of India's AIR will now be rather difficult with this strong signal here. (Ron Howard, CA)

6164.96, RNT, 2220-2253.* French talk. Euro-pop music and Afro-pop music. Abrupt sign off. Good. (Brian Alexander-PA/Cumbre DX)

11510, Denge Kurdistan via Moldova , 1545-1600.* Kurdish music. Indigenous vocals. Kurdish talk.  Good signal. (Brian Alexander-PA/Cumbre DX)

12105.02 Radio Dialogue via Madagascar, *1602:20-1701.* Sign on with lite music for about ten seconds at 1602:20, then just an open carrier until 1604. Back at 1604 with talk in unidentified language. Some Afro-pop music. Occasional English. IDs and email address at 1638. Mostly vernacular talk with very little English but English announcement at 1639: “Radio Dialogue with the community at heart.” Another English announcement at 1652:“Radio Dialogue giving you a voice. Radio Dialogue with the community at heart.” Sign on with a poor, weak signal, but improved to a fair signal by 1620. (Brian Alexander-PA/Cumbre DX)

4850, AIR Kohima. 1236-1238.* Briefly for about seven seconds at 1310, mixing with China's Xinjiang PBS also on this frequency. Very early sign off for them. Transmitter problem? Even if they had stayed on the air today, don’t think I would have been able to enjoy the good reception I have had in the past! (Ron Howard, CA)

4990, AIR Itanagar, 1420-1424.* Local ID to regional news and weather. Suddenly off after the Itanagar weather. Signal poor to almost fair (Ron Howard, CA)

5995, RTVM, 2340-0001.* French talk. African hi-life music. Indigenous vocals. Sign off with national anthem. Poor signal quality. Weak modulation. (Brian Alexander-PA/Cumbre DX)

6184.99, Radio Educación, 0505-0605.* Spanish talk. ID. Local ranchero music. Classical music. Abrupt sign off at 0605. Transmitter off at 0606:30. Fair signal. (Brian Alexander-PA/Cumbre DX)

7110, Thazin Radio, 1435-1440 & 1500.* In English with local and international news as well as Myanmar weather and sea conditions for Myanmar waters. As often happens, had interference from  (7105 through to 7200). It should be noted that 1500 is their normal sign off time and has been observed on numerous times as such. (Ron Howard, CA) 5770, Myanmar Defense Forces Broadcast Station continues silent during checks from 1300 to 1400, as of Dec 6. First noted by Victor Goonetilleke (Sri Lanka) in early October. (Ron Howard, CA)

9705.39, LV du Sahel, 2215-2303.* Continuous vernacular talk. Qur`an at 2257. Flute interval signal at 2300:30. National anthem at 2300:40. Sign off with 13 second test tone at 2303. Weak and poor signal with adjacent channel splatter. Stable frequency for a change. (Brian Alexander-PA/Cumbre DX)

7255, Voice of Nigeria, *2104-2201. Abrupt sign on with English programming. Program about local Nigerian music at 2104. IDs. “Nigerian Popular Music” program at 2134. Interval signal at 2200 and
into listed Hausa at 2201. Good signal. Fulfulde language is scheduled for 2100-2200, but English being heard here instead. (Brian Alexander-PA/Cumbre DX)

Papua New Guinea
 3385, NBC East New Britain, 1308-1319. English and Tok Pisin ith newscast to 1309. Commericals for hotel (“deluxe rooms and two conference rooms”) and jingle for “Sunshine” orange juice. Public service announcements to news. Noted on  // 3905 (PNG's NBC New Ireland). (Ron Howard, CA)

3905, NBC New Ireland, 1308-1309 and 1401-1404.* Routinely on the air during the past month, in English and Tok Pisin. NBC National news till 1309 (item about the wind speeds for Typhoon Bopha in the South China Sea, etc Newscast on  // 3385 (PNG's NBC East New Britain),. Children singing anthem before sign off, 1404 is their usual sign off time (Ron Howard, CA)

6173.90t, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco. Tentatively the one again at 1026 tune-in with Peruvian instrumental music on arpa. Only fair signal strength, best in LSB ECSS and notch, but heavy
interference from the 6175 Asian. Difficult reception, but confident this was the Cusco station. Segued to huayno selection at 1029 with thumping bass guitar driving the beat. Should be well heard this winter season, on a strong Andes reception morning. (Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)

4810.00 Radio Logos. Nice at 1040, back for about a week now, heard several mornings with good signal but under chirping, blipping ute. Need to use ECSS and passband tuning to optimize. At tune-in, noted Peruvian music with folkloric melody but performed by modern-sounding instrumentation. At 1042, announcer with “ . . . las 5 de la manana . . . esta es la 1 de Diciembre . . . transmite Radio Logos . . . 5 de la manana y 42 minutos, 5 y 42, hermanos . . .” At 1046, more of these modernized huaynos, with folk melody played by electric guitar, organ, bass and singers. ((Ralph Perry, IL/Cumbre DX)