
Thursday, April 04, 2013

Blog Logs - Azerbaijan


Logs edited for clarity - *sign-on  / sign-off*

All times UTC

9677.47-9677.66, Ädalätin Säsi Radiosu (Radio Voice of Justice), Stepanakert, Nagorno-Karabakh (presumed), *0600-0632*, Mar 20. Announcement in Azeri with occasional snippets of what sounded like the Top Gun movie theme “Take My Breath Away” played Hawaiian style. Music again at 0626, announcement to 3-4 electronic tones to 0627 which was the last program heard. Carrier stayed on until 0632. Transmitter was distorted, but not so bad as to greatly hamper intelligibility. SINPO 45433 with fading. Did not hear nominal ID, but Azerbaijan mentioned once or twice by the announcer. Per DSWCI, this is the repeat of Tuesday morning's 1400 broadcast. (Churchill tune from Perseus sites in UK and the Netherlands, Mar 20 and 27, in DXplorer). (Scheduled with 10 kW We/Sa 0600-0625.)

9677.42, Ädalätin Säsi Radiosu , *1400-1427*, Tu Mar 19 and Fr Mar 29. Interval signal to station ID and talk in Azeri. Russian news often mentioning "Karabakh respublika." SINPO 34443. Repetition of the broadcast heard on 9677.50, *0600-0627*, Mar 30, 35443. (Scheduled with 10 kW Tu/Fr 1400-1425). (Petersen and Robic)

9677.6, Voice of Talyshistan, Stepanakert (10 kW/ non-directive), new station in Talysh to Central Asia, monitored Tu/We/Th/Fr/Sa Mar 23-30 at 0900-0959, 1200-1259 and 1500-1559. (Ivanov, Mar 30)

9677.54, Toleshston Sädo Radio (Voice of Talyshistan), *0900-1000*, Fr Mar 29 and Sa Mar 30, Talysh talk, local music with short reports in between. ID and announce of schedule before sign/off. SINPO 35443 in Austria, SINPO 25232 in Denmark. Not heard Su Mar 31 or Mo Apr 01. (Petersen and Robic)

9677.50, Toleshston Sädo Radio (Voice of Talyshistan), *1200-1256, Sa Mar 30. Talysh talk and songs, SINPO, interference from China Radio Int'l (Urumqi) 9685 in Russian. Not heard Su Mar 31 or Mo Apr 01. (Petersen and Robic)

9677.56, Toleshston Sädo Radio (Voice of Talyshistan),*1500-1547*, Fr Mar 29 and Sa Mar 30. Program begins with same announcement as before the sign off, SINPO 4443. (Robic)
 (DSWCI/DX Window 476)