
Friday, July 26, 2013

Monitoring Times is Closing - but Teak Publishing is NOT !

From Bob Grove, Publisher of Monitoring Times magazine:

"After 33 years of publishing the most informative and lauded magazine on monitoring the radio spectrum, Judy and I are finally going to retire. We are grateful for the dedicated efforts of our fine staff of writers for the excellent work which has kept MT alive for all these years. While we know the discontinuation of MT, with our December issue, will be a disappointment to our readers and writers alike, we realize that a combination of a down-turned economy, as well as the ready availability of free listening and technical information on the Internet, has reduced sales and subscriptions throughout the market place. I would like to thank you personally for your knowledge, your dependability, and your professionalism in making MT the publication that is most often referred to in the radio monitoring hobby. It is a legacy that we have all inherited."

And now from Gayle Van Horn, W4GVH, Frequency Manager and QSL Report Editor:

After 25 years this month writing the QSL Report column, and 20 years as the Frequency Manager of Monitoring Times, I have no plans to set aside my dedication to the radio hobby or to the friends I have established during time period. You have not seen the last of me, this blog or my active twitter feeds or our publishing company - Teak Publishing. Larry and I are working on some very interesting publication projects for not only the military monitoring community "worldwide," but I have some things in the works for the shortwave broadcast listening community as well. So please stay tuned to this blog, and to Larry's Milcom Monitoring Post blog for future announcements in the coming months. To all of you who contributed to my 25 year writing career with MT, and all the great friends that I have met and corresponded with I want to say thank you. Thank you for your support, kind words, material and everything that contributed to some amazing radio material published in the pages of Monitoring Times. This is only a goodbye to MT at the end of this year, but if you are interested in the military monitoring stay tuned to Larry's Milcom Monitoring Post and Shortwave Central blog. I will continue to post on this blog, timely shortwave material here and on my Twitter account.

 Gayle Van Horn@QSLRptMT
Larry Van Horn@MilcomMP