
Friday, August 16, 2013

WRN Program Schedule

A Prairie Home Companion
Sunday 18th August: A Prairie Home Companion

This week on A Prairie Home Companion with Garrison Keillor, a summer replay of the 2011 Hawaiian New Year's Eve show. Danny Carvalho, Ledward Kaapana, Jeff Peterson and Jake Shimabukuro play "Hi'ilawe," Heather Masse sings "Who Knows Where the Time Goes?" and Erica Rhodes joins the Royal Academy of Radio Actors. In Lake Wobegon, the Tolleruds and the Hansens fight over a good deed after a freezer malfunction.

Broadcast times:
In Europe:                       Sun 1100 BST / 1200 CEST

Asia Calling
Saturday 17th August: Asia Calling

Asia Calling is a weekly current affairs programme produced in Jakarta by Indonesia’s only independent radio network KBR68H.

In the programme this week: Rising Buddhist extremism in Myanmar; Rohingya asylum seekers' endless limbo in Thailand; a Malaysian couple charged with sedition over a Facebook photo; and students turning Kathmandu into an open gallery.

Broadcast times:

In Europe:                      Sat 1500 BST / 1600 CEST

In North America:               Sat 1100 EDT / 0800 PDT

In Africa & the Middle East:    Sat 0600 UTC / 0800 CAT

In Asia & the Pacific:          Sat 0600 UTC / 1600 AEST

Radio Guangdong
Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th August: Radio Guangdong

Radio Guangdong, established in October 1949, is a leading radio group in south China.  Radio Guangdong programmes cover political, economic, social and cultural issues; programmes about Guangdong, programmes about Guangdong people and programmes linking Guangdong with the world.

In the programme this week: The Qixi Festival, a romantic celebration where the mythical cowherd and weaver girl figures meet on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, and a stunning tightrope walk high above the Pearl River between the Canton Tower and Haixinsha Stadium.  Then In My Guangdong, Ms. Anne Luwema, Guangzhou Consul General of The Netherlands reveals the increasingly close links between The Netherlands and Guangdong.

Broadcast times:

In Europe:                     Sat 2030 BST / 2130 CEST    

In North America:              Sat 2130 EDT / 1830 PDT
In Africa & the Middle East:   Sat 1630 UTC / 1830 CAT                                                                    
In Asia & the Pacific:         Sun 2200 UTC / Mon 0800 AEST

Radio New Zealand International
Saturday 17th August: Radio New Zealand International Dateline Pacific

RNZI is New Zealand's only shortwave station, broadcasting to the Island nations of the Pacific. Its broadcasts range from Papua New Guinea in the west across to French Polynesia in the east, covering all South Pacific countries in between.

Broadcast times:
In Europe:                      Sat 1800 BST / 1900 CEST

In North America:               Sat 1000 EDT / 0700 PDT
NPR Fresh Air Weekend
Saturday 17th, Sunday 18th August: NPR Fresh Air Weekend

Fresh Air Weekend with Terry Gross, the Peabody Award-winning magazine of contemporary arts and issues, is one of public radio's most popular programmes.

In the program this week: Bob Odenkirk reflects on playing Breaking Bad's most comedic character; Maureen Corrigan reviews a debut novel about a literary young man in Brooklyn; and Lake Bell and Fred Melamed discuss the draw of voice-over work.

Broadcast times:

In Europe:                      Sat 1100 BST / 1200 CEST

In Africa and the Middle East:  Sun 1300 UTC / 1500 CAT

In Asia and the Pacific:        Sun 1300 UTC / Sun 2300 AEST

Ways to listen:

WRN's English language services and your favourite programmes can be heard all around the world. To find out how to tune in, visit the ways to listen section on our website.

WRN via the Internet:

The WRN website hosts an extensive range of on-demand programming and you can also listen to WRN’s live streams 24/7. In addition, the WRN website provides schedule and ways to listen information as well as details about our partner broadcasters including links to their websites.

You can also follow us on Twitter for the latest English networks news and developments.

References to Glenn Hauser's World of Radio not included