
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Amateur Radio Special Event Calendar

September 10-14
CR5150, (Special Event). Members of the Portuguese Navy Hamradio Club (NRA) will activate the special event station CR5150NM between September 10-14th. Activity is to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Portuguese Navy Museum since it was founded by the King D. Luis I. Activity will be on all HF bands except 10 MHz using CW, SSB and eventualy PSK. A special QSL card is being produced, and it will be issued and sent to all contacted stations. Stations should send their QSL card by the Bureau (ARRL) or direct to CS5NRA.

September 10-19
HP0, (IOTA Tour Reminder). Operators Christian/EA3NT, Raul/EA5KA, Vincent/F4BKV and Col/MM0NDX, from the Invoker Team, have started their activation of six Panamanian island groups as HP0INT(/1,2,3,4 or 9) between September 10-19th. Activity will be on 40-10 meters using CW and SSB. The team tentative schedule is as follows:
  September  10-11 - Ogobsibu (San Blas) Island (NA-170); callsign HP0INT/2
  September 11-13 - Grande Island (NA-202); callsign HP0INT/2
  September 13-15 - Iguana Island (NA-203); callsign HP0INT/9
  September 16-18 - Colon [Bocas del Toro] (NA-088); callsign HP0INT/4

  Please be careful with HP0INT/2 as it will be used from two different IOTA groups. Listen carefully to the operator to know the exact location/IOTA. Direct QSLs are via F4BKV (OQRS preferred) [if you use IRC, he only accepts the new model valid until 2017]. Bureau QSLs are via F5CWU (OQRS preferred). More details and the OQRS are available at:

September 10-21
EU-038. Tonnie, PA9CW, is now active as PA9CW/P from Texel Island (WLOTA 0043) until September 21. Activity will be on 30 meters CW (his preferred mode) and sometimes PSK or RTTY. QSL via PA9CW, by the Bureau or direct.

September 12-24
EU-067. Marek, SP5ISZ, will be active as SV8/SP5ISZ from Milos Island  (GIOTA SAS-089, MIA MG-072, WLOTA 4149) September 12-24. Activity will be holiday style on the HF bands, depending on the     propagation. QSL via his home callsign, by the Bureau  direct, eQSL or LoTW.

September 13-18
St. Maarten
PJ7, Dave, AH6HY, will once again be active as PJ7/AH6HY from St. Martin Island (NA-105) between September 13-18. Activity will be holiday style primarily during his evenings and on 20/17/15 meters but SSB only.  QSL via AH6HY, direct or by the Bureau.

September 14-19
HB0, Joannes, DF5AU, will be active as HB0/DF5AU between September 14-19. Activity will be on the HF bands with a focus on the higher bands using a beam antenna and amp, operating CW and SSB. QSL via DF5AU, by the DARC Bureau, direct or LoTW.

September 20-October 15
Fiji & Rotuma Islands
3D2 & 3D2/R, (Update to OPDX.1118). Andy, LZ2HM, has joined the team of Stan/LZ1GC and Rocky/3D2DD to be active from Fiji and Rotuma. Their schedule is as follows:

September 20-26 - Stan will be active as 3D2GC from the "Club Fiji Resort", Nadi, Fiji Republic, Viti Levu Island. (OC-016, WW. Loc. RH82QF). Activity will be on 160-6 meters using CW and SSB, with the following equipment: Kenwood TS-480 SAT + linear amplifier ACOM 1010/ACOM 1000. The antennas: EXP. GP 40-10m,  80/160 meters INV-L and GP.
September 27-October 11-Callsigns 3D2RA (Andy), 3D2GC/P and 3D2DD/P; from Rotuma Island (OC-060). Activity will be on all HF bands. Stan 3D2GC/P will active on all HF bands, CW/SSB together with Andy, 3D2RA and Rocky, 3D2DD. Rocky will also be active, but only on SSB with the callsign 3D2DD/P. Andy, 3D2RA, will be active on all HF bands, 160-2 meters CW/SSB/DIGITAL (PSK & SSTV) and special attention will be made to work by EME on 50 MHz on JT65A.
October   12-15th - Callsign 3D2GC again from Fiji Republic. On October 16, Stan, LZ1GC, will go back to Bulgaria.

Suggested frequencies:
  CW   - 1822, 3510, 7007, 10104, 14010, 18070, 21010, 24892 and 28010 kHz
  SSB  - 1838, 3788, 7088, 14188, 18148, 21288, 24948 and 28488 kHz
  RTTY - 1838, 3588, 7038, 10138, 14088, 18108, 21088, 24918 and 28088 kHz
  SSTV - 3728, 7038, 14238, 21338 and 28688 kHz
  PSK31- 1838, 3578, 7038, 10138, 14078, 18108, 21078, 21918 and 28078 kHz
   6m  - 50100/CW. 50118/SSB and 50200/RTTY kHz

QSL 3D2GC and 3D2GC/P via LZ1GC, direct or by the Bureau (see details on ) QSL 3D2RA, 3D2DD and 3D2DD/P via info on For more details and updates, see:

September 23-27
NA-130.  Mike, VE2XB, will be active as VY0BRR from Qikiqtarjuaq or Broughton Island, in the Nunavut (Baffin Island) East IOTA Group between Sept 23-27th. Activity will be concentrated on 80/75/40 meters using CW and SSB. QSL via VE2XB. For more details and updates, see:

September 23-30
4O, Gab, HA3JB, will be active as 4O/HG3IPA from Budva between This activity will be valid for the HA-IPARC Award (International Police Association) will be on CW, RTTY and SSB. Look for Gab to be active during the CQWW RTTY DX Contest (September 28-29). He also mentions that he will make a side trip to Sveti Nikola Island (EU-163) during his stay in 4O-land. QSL via HA3JB direct. He does have a OQRS now (see

September 28-November 2
Reunion Island
FR, Willi, DJ7RJ, will be active as FR/DJ7RJ from Reunion Island (AF-016). Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW and SSB. He prefers lowbands. Willi will use a K2 with a SS-Amp 500w into a INV-L 15m (49 ft) vertical and 12m (39ft) horizontal with 2-4 elevated radials each 20m (66ft) long. QSL
via DJ7RJ, direct or by the Bureau.
(OPDX 1127)