
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Blog Logs

*Sign-On /  Sign-Off*   // station heard on parallel frequency / all freqs kHz

Logs edited for clarity
All times UTC

11710, Radiodifusión Argentina al Exterior (English Service) *0200 speaking of damage to several key cities from flooding.  Excellent strength !  (Chuck Rippel, VA)  

5952.44 Radio Pio Doce. Nice signal with talk at 0955 with talk in Quechua, then ad/promo block mostly in Spanish and one  mention of Pio Doce. Choral national anthem and voice talk by male announcer. Station ID and mentions of "comunicacion Pio Doce".  Checked the webstream and it was seven seconds behind (Dave Valko, PA/HCDX)

4874v Radio Difusoras Roraima. Program playing the "Bon Dia" song at 0935, and Brazilian pops via announcer DJ. Announcer taking phone calls. Morning rooster crowing during song. Signal really drifting around fast between 4873-4875. Sometimes as  much as 1 kilohertz in 30 seconds. Impossible to keep tuned (Valko)

4865.02 Radio Verdes Florestas. Caught middle of canned full ID at tune-in at 0936.  Religious music with host and religious choral music. Full station ID again at 0954 at end of program. Signal clear and strong. (Valko)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapá, Macapá. Brazilians songs 0535-0610, and station identification. Announcer with, "Radiodifusora" to advertisements. SINO 24322 (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain/HCDX)

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém,. Heard 0605-0620 with Brazilian songs from male announcer and comments. SINPO 34433. (Méndez)

9565.069  Super Radio e Amor. Usual sermon by male announcer in Portuguese at 0505. Poor signal into Europe (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0607-0620. Noted "Bandeirantes, a cada hora as principais noticias." Male/female with newscasr. SINPO 24322 (Méndez)

11850 Overcomer Ministry with Bro. Stair via Kostinbrod (Sofia); 2030-2100* Interesting propagation on this one, prior to 2015 hours barely audible but as the sunset terminator moved west, the signal dipped and they came up over the noise floor and by 2030.  Manage to catch the last half hour of Bro.Stair and his prophecies. Sign-off in mid-sentence. Both this frequency and frequencies for Nauen at 21-2300 conform to the latest schedule received (Edward Kusalik. Alberta, Canada)

5910, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0603-0620. Latin American songs and identification: "Alcaravan Radio, 1530 AM". SINPO24322. (Méndez)

6010, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras (presumed), 0603-0630. Religious songs to weak Spanish text, best on LSB. SINPO 14321. (Méndez

7480.005 Open Radio for North Korea (tentative) . Definite talk from announcer at 2151. Signal too weak to tell the language. Interference from WBCQ on 7490 kHz. VOA Kuwait signal popped on here at 2158:45, but since this signal was 5 hertz above, I  could see it go off at 2200:07 as scheduled. Other Open Radio for North Korea transmissions are blocked here. (Valko)

4055, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0544-0606.* English service with religious comments and station identification. National anthem and program close-doen. SINPO 14321. (Méndez)

4055 Radio Verdad 1050. Spanish, ID with frequency and address, then a Christian message of encouragement. Fair signal. (Harold

7289.93 RRI Nabire (presumed). Open carrier at 0802 and could barely hear the percussion in the mxusic at 0817. Right at audio threshold.  Lady announcer and music. Station went off between 0839-0844 (Valko)

7289.94 RRI Nabire. Station right on cue as the sun was setting there at 0852 with Koran. Somber programming, then back to studio with male announcer briefly. Lite pop music with DJ briefly, athen four lite pop-like songs in row. Male DJ resumed at  0917:14. Signal just a tad too weak to copy though. Station went off in mid-song at 0923:07. Never really did improve in the  half hour from 0852 tune-in (Valko)

4869.92 RRI Wamena. Close of newscast script at 1007 from studio announcer. Usual post-news routine with the RRI and station ID  mix. Mentions of the program and site ID by studio male DJ. Really nice signal, despite utility interference (Valko)

5995, Radio Mali, Bamako, *0559-0610. Tuning music to female's identification: "Vous ecoutez Radio Mali, emettant de Banako, band 49  metres, 5995 kHz." , Vernacular songs. SINPO 24322. (Méndez)

4747.09 Radio Huanta Dos Mil. Beautiful fast slurred "Radio Huanta Dos Mil" by announcer at 0919:54 as the live studio DJ ended  an announcement, followed by local campo song. Of course I wasn't recording unfortunately. So they really are still using the Huanta Dos Mil IDs. Fair signal but noisy (Valko).

5039.18 Radio Libertad de Junin. Signal improvement at 1028 and suddenly got a lot stronger than 10 minutes earlier. Beautiful camposina  music, then long canned announcement beginning with haunting flute at 1029, that sounded like a program intro "Con Grau ?? Nacional",  and followed by the morning DJ's mention of possibly his name Barrio Sanchez Cristobal. Back to music at 1031, but had faded again.  There was an accurate time check just as the canned announcement began (Valko)

Papua New Guinea
3385.0  R. East New Britian . News at 1108, into presumed commentary at 1109.  Both features in presumed Pisin. (Ripple)

3260.0  Radio Madang . Music noted at 1113 and clear ID from male  announcer at 1112. Short announcements into musical vocals. (Ripple). 

12095, FEBC. Asian langauge at 1257 Asian language (listed as Tai Dam). Female speaker, 1259 indigenous stringed instrument music, 1300 brief music bridge, man with announcements. Brief FEBC interval signal then silence for about 20 seconds before IS again and speaker in another Asian language at 1302. Poor signal (Sellers)

17860.00, Radio Romania International, 1324-1330. Tuned in late during the last few notes of music was being presented. This was followed by a female giving ID in Mandarin. Interval signal followed briefly until signal went off the air at 1327 UTC.  Signal was good otherwise. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

South Africa
3320 Radio Sonder Grense. Pop music at 0115 tune-in. Extended talk by male announcer in Afrikaans. Four pop songs in a row. Several canned announcements with mention of a website. "Super Trouper" by Abba starting another block of songs to 0202, and what sounded like the news by deep-voiced male (Valko).