
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Canada's CFVP and CKMX change formats


(log edited for clarity)

6030, CFVP, Calgary, 2242, Sep 11. On the last day of the Country Music format, advertisements for Subway, KIA, Western Financial Group, and Wind Mobile. Station ID “Classic Country is CKMX...and CFVP Shortwave.” SINPO 35333. And this just in from the station: “CKMX is going to change formats tonight at midnight. That will affect CFVP as well. The AM station will be known as FUNNY 1060 AM. Here is a link to the new website . Bill Stovold, Director of Engineering”.

The station is designing new QSL cards and I will continue to be the QSL manager for CKMX/CFVP. Reports may be e-mailed to . (Sellers)
(DSWCI/DX Window 488)