
Monday, October 07, 2013

Azerbaijian monitoring on shortwave



All times UTC

9677.615   Voice of Justice and Voice of Talyshistan again shortwave.

Voice of Justice noted Tue/Wed, Sept 24/25
0600-0630 9677.6 SPK 010 kW non-dir to CeAS Azeri Wed/Sat
1400-1430 9677.6 SPK 010 kW non-dir to CeAS Azeri Tue/Fri

Voice of Talyshistan noted Mon/Tue, Sept 23/24
0900-1000 9677.6 SPK 010 kW non-dir to CeAS Talysh Mon-Sat
1200-1300 9677.6 SPK 010 kW non-dir to CeAS Talysh Mon-Sat
1500-1600 9677.6 SPK 010 kW non-dir to CeAS Talysh Mon-Sat
(DX MIX News, Ivo Ivanov-BUL, via wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 1)

9677.615 - carrier frequency. Very terrible disturbed narrow band modulation noted at 0945 UT Oct 1, tiny poor S=4 to 5 signal in Germany and western Europe, but up to S=9+5 dBm in Moscow remote SDR rx.

Narrow band varying at approx. 9676.1 to 9679.5 kHz, but varying up to 10 kHz wide broadband at times (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Oct 1)
(WWDXC/Top Nx 1132)