
Thursday, October 31, 2013

FEBA Radio - Winter Schedule

FEBA Radio 

Effective: 27 October 2013 - 29 March 2014

Schedule for transmitters located in Armenia, Ascension Island, Rwanda, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, and United Kingdom
Day 1 = Sunday (ITU Convention)

All times UTC

Time   Days   Languages  kHz   Site

Targeted to: North India, Nepal, Tibet 
0000-0030 smtwtfs Bangla (rural) 9390 TAC
1200-1230 smtwtfs Tibetan        15215 DHA
1430-1445 smtwtfs Urdu           9500 TAC
1445-1500 ...wtfs Kashmiri       9500 TAC
1445-1500 smt.... Mixed Languages 9500 TAC
1445-1500 smtwtfs Hindi           9500 TAC
1500-1530 smtwtfs Bangla (rural)  9390 TAC

Targeted to: Afghanistan and Pakistan
0200-0230 s...... Urdu            9750 DHA
0200-0215 .mtwtfs Urdu            9750 DHA
0215-0230 .mtwtfs Mixed Languages 9750 DHA
0230-0300 smtwtfs Dari            9790 DHA
0300-0315 smtwtfs Mixed Languages 9790 DHA
1400-1430 smtwtfs Urdu            11880 DHA
1430-1445 smtwtfs Mixed Languages 11880 DHA
1500-1530 smtwtfs Dari            11755 ERV
1530-1600 smtwtfs Pashto          11755 ERV

Targeted to: Middle East 
0800-0830 smtwtfs Arabic         15260 WOF (IBRA)
1800-1927 smtwtfs Arabic         9550 KIG

Targeted to: Africa - Ethiopia and Sudan 
1600-1630 s...tfs Amharic        12125 ERV
1600-1630 .mtw... Guragena       12125 ERV
1630-1700 smtwtfs Amharic        12125 ERV
1600-1627 smtwtfs Ethiopian      11655 KIG
1630-1700 smtw... Tigrinya       9820 DHA
1630-1700 ....tfs Amharic        9820 DHA
1700-1729 smtwtfs Orominya       9630 KIG
1729-1757 smtwtfs Tigrinya       9630 KIG
1700-1730 smtwtfs Somali         6180 DHA
1730-1800 smtwtfs Ethiopian       7475 ERV
1830-1845 smtwtfs French Ce+WeAF 15250 ASC
2145-2215 smt.tfs Hassinya/Pulaar (WeAF) 11985 ASC (HJB)

Transmitter Site Codes:
ASC Ascension Island
DHA Al Dhabayya UAE
ERV Yerevan Gavar Armenia
KIG Kigali Rwanda
TAC Tashkent Uzbekistan.
WOF Woofferton, United Kingdom

Day 1 = Sunday (ITU Convention)
(acc hfcc registrations, former B-12 schedule updated by wb, Oct 23)
(WWDXC Top Nx 1135)
(Reformatted by Gayle Van Horn/ISWBG)