
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Big Changes for WYFR Nears

WRMI Takes Over WYFR

The big news in the shortwave scene in the United States at the present time is the transfer at the end of this month of Radio Miami International WRMI, where we are recording this program at the present moment,  from the single 50 kW transmitter near Miami to the large multi-transmitter site of the shortwave station that was previously on the air at Okeechobee in lower central Florida for Family Radio as WYFR.  Due to the significance of this remarkable development, we are interrupting the flow of regular programming in our DX program “Wavescan” to give due honor to the two shortwave stations, WYFR and WRMI.
            Next week in Wavescan, we will present as our opening topic our “Tribute to the Old WRMI”; and for the first program in December, we plan to present our “Tribute to Family Radio WYFR”.
            All reception reports to "Wavescan" for the last week in November will be QSLed with a special "Last Week" endorsement for WRMI Miami, and all reception reports to "Wavescan" during the first week in December will be QSLed with a "First Week" endorsement for the new WRMI at Okeechobee.         These special endorsements will be applied to all QSL cards issued for these special editions of "Wavescan" as heard on any of the stations that carry the program; WRMI Miami, KSDA Guam, AWR network relays, WWCR & WINB.  Where possible direct broadcast from the old and the new WRMI would also be appreciated.  "Wavescan" may also be heard via numerous electronic deliveries, including station websites and iPod deliveries.

     Listeners are encouraged to send their reception reports for these broadcasts to the Wavescan address in Indianapolis with address label and return postage, and also to the station that is carrying the programming, and also to the address for the new WRMI.  The last edition of "Wavescan" via the old WRMI will be a special tribute to this station, and the first broadcast from the new WRMI will honor this new development.
(AWR Wavescan/NWS # 247)