
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blog Log - Radio Vanuatu


(logs edited for clarity)

3945, Radio Vanuatu, Emten Lagoon (presumed), 1229-1813 UTC, Nov 08. Station running very late ?? Heard station hovering around threshold level at 1433. At 1445 amateur radio operators came on frequency and mentioned the presense of "foreign broadcast on frequency." Note Super Typhoon Haiyan moving toward Philippines!!! (Howard). I heard them from 1229, Nov 08. Lovely music, deep voiced English announcer, into Beatles  song, I want to Hold your Hand at 1231 and music to past 1302 when the signal

started getting lost in the noise. 
Almost sunset here at 1229. Vanuatu was running all night due to the typhoon. Last night around 1730 I checked 3945 and heard it very weak. (Goonetilleke). Victor, You are indeed fortunate at your QTH to heard Vanuatu. Here in California, 3945 kHz, is totally covered by Radio Nikkei-2 to 1400 sign-off with pop music and many announcements. Station IDs by native speakers in English. Radio Nikkei-2 changed schedule in June 2013 to Monday-Friday 2300-1400. The weekend is the best time to check out Vanuatu. Website of Radio Nikkei-2 : . (Howard). Not reported heard here since May. ((Adrian Peterson/DSWCI-DX WIndow 492)