
Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Blog Logs

A sampling from hobbyist shortwave monitoring. Contributions are always welcomed, and may be sent to: teakpub  at

All times UTC/ frequency in kHz (kilohertz) // parallel frequency
* Sign-on  / Sign-off *
English unless otherwise indicated

Logs edited for clarity

Radio Juventud from Florencio Varela, Buenos Aires, is putting out a good signal on its second harmonic: 3400.7. Heard at 0750 on December 24 and the following days. The fundamental frequency of 1700.35 kHz also heard well  here in Eastern Uruguay, 400 km away. (Stig Hartvig Nielsen,Barra de Valizas, Uruguay/HCDX)

4835, VL8A, Alice Springs, NT, 2020-2036. Pop music to comments from announcer. "Good Morning"
to listener's 2030 and mention of "ABC news." Newscast by male/female duro. SINPO 24322.
(Manuel Méndez/HCDX)

2380, Radio Educadora. Limeira. Heard all night December 23 with continuous music and no  announcements. On December 24 with phone in programme, talk, music and frequent ID’s.  Weak signal and some deep fading. Also heard the following nights.  (Stig Hartvig Nielsen,Barra de Valizas, Uruguay/HCDX)

New station on 740 kHz is Radio Cultura Riograndina. First noted December 24. ID’ing: ‘Esta e Radio Cultura Riograndina operando em 740 kHz. Música, esporte e informacao. Radio Cultura Riograndina, a radio da zona sul”. Thanks to Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky for helping out with the ID on this one.(Stig Hartvig Nielsen,Barra de Valizas, Uruguay/HCDX)

4815, Radio Difusora, Londrina, PR, 0104-0109.* Portuguese talk, ID and frequency announcements over instrumental music. A man began preaching with choir music before another man gave closedown announcements and carrier was terminated. Fair signal but suffering from CODAR interference. (Rich D'Angelo, PA/DXW 495)

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0638-0710. Portuguese program "Radio Clube na Madrugada". SINPO 24322. (Méndez/HCDX)

5970, Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, 0604-0710. Brazilian songs, Portuguese comments. SINPO 14321. (Méndez/HCDX)

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0708-0726. Brazilian songs to male's Portuguese comments: "Bom día, Inconfidencia". SINPO 14321. (Méndez/HCDX)

6120, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Sao Paulo, 0653-0750. Male's religious comments in Portuguese. SINPO 14321. (Méndez/HCDX)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0702-0713. Male announcer's Portuguese comments. SINPO 24332. (Méndez/HCDX)

9585, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Sao Paulo, 0703-0712. Announcer's Portuguese religious program to identification: "Super Radio Deus e Amor, Sao Paulo, 9585 kHz, banda de 31 metros y 6120 kHz, banda de 49 metros." Religious songs to comments. Parallel with 6120, 9565 and 11765 kHz. SINPO 24322. Also 0703-0720 in Portuguese with religious comments and songs, // with 9565 and 11765. SINPO 24322. (Méndez/HCDX)

9629.8, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, SP, 2205-2250. Talk in Portuguese, several jingle IDs at 2208, woman with vocals. Good signal. (Rich D'Angelo/FCDX/DXW495)

9818.98, Radio 9 de Julho, São Paulo, SP, 0705-0720. Religious comments in Portuguese, SINPO 34433. (Méndez). Also heard at 0800-0805 with church bell, frequency is below 9819, frequency has been down a little more, than I had been expecting, 25222. (Wagai/DXW495) 

9820, CNR-2 Xian 0914-0923. Chinese talk to ads. presumed program identification at 0915, followed by bits of pop-like music between banter by male/female announcers. Program remotes join the conversation at 0921. Signal fair in ECCS-USB. (Scott Barbour-NH)

7305, CNR-1 Shijiazhuang. Lady announcer in Chinese at 1222. Signal poor in ECCS-USB //6125. (Scott Barbour-NH)

4800.00, Voice of China (CNR-1), Golmud, *2025-2035. Chinese with new B-13 schedule: 2025-1805, ex 1955-1735. (Ivanov). Heard with a few seconds test at 2007 with music and announcement, but then from*2025: IS, 4 ID's: "Zhongyang Renmin Guangbo Diantai", piano music, 2028 2 ID's and "The East is Red" march, 2030 talk by man and woman, SINPO 45333. (Petersen/DXW495)

4905, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 1608-1636. "Holy Tibet" in progress (1600-1700) in English, news about Tibet, a lot of Tibetan music. Tibet weather at 1620, 1625 interesting long tourism segment about Nyingchi Prefecture where the Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon is located. Frequency 4905 the best of // 4920, 6110, 6200 and 7255. Nice website with audio streaming at . (Ron Howard/DXW 495)

4940, Voice of Strait, Fuzhou, 1500. Focus on China (Saturday only show). Not a current show but an older format show (a repeat) with older news; 100% readable, few IDs. (Ron Howard)/DXW495)

5909.92, Alcaraván Radio, Puerto Lleras, 0540-0650. Latin American songs, "Llaneras", ID: "Alcaraván Radio, 1530 AM y en onda corta, 5910 kHz, banda internacional de 49 metros", SINPO 24322. (Arrunátegui and Méndez). Also heard at 1042-1108 with Spanish talk, frequent IDs and time checks for hosting program of “música Colombian” with very good signal. (Rich D'Angelo/FCDX/DXW495)

6010.2, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Puerto Lleras, 0450-0500. Spanish, light vocal and instrumental music, ID, into Latin American popular song, SINPO 43333. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada). Also heard at 0755-0808, with Spanish religious comments, SINPO 14321. (Manuel Méndez). Also heard at 1100-1130, Dec 16, choral national anthem (sign on?), Spanish ID and opening anns, long religious talk. Fair to good but slowly fading down. (Rich D'Angelo/FCDX/DXW495)

4055, Radio Verdad 0220. Spanish, ID to talk and man's frequent mentions of program ID, something sounding like “Frecuencia Andea”. Poor signal quality. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

3325, RRI-Palangkaraya 1452. Indonesian service. Music tunes to interruption at 1456 as host went to telephone to speak to a couple of men, 1500 back to Indo music. Fair signal. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

4750.10, RRI Makassar. Presumed this station at 1155-1210. Observed at tune-in female's comments to 1200. Brief music to 1201. Additional program comments in unknown language due to poor signal quality. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

3344.86, RRI Ternate (presumed), 0931-1018. Reception hovering around threshold level, with only some audio. Overall propagation seemed rather poor today. Also heard at 1335, strongest audio level since recent reactivation; no hint of Papua New Guinea today (unlike yesterdays heterodyne). (Ron Howard). Also here in Finland weak music at 1430, Dec 11, on measured 3344.86v, drifting slightly. Only on LSB due to strong carrier on 3346 with 800 Hz tone. (Ritola)/DXW495)

4750, RRI Makassar, 1148-1203. Bahasa Indonesia with local music program. Flute music interlude (no Song of the Coconut Islands?) prior to stationID at 1200 and Jakarta news. Poor signal quality  (Rich D'Angelo/FCDX/DXW495)

7350 VOIRI Kalamabad 0423. Kurdish (sign-on listed as 0420). Anthem by male chorus, 0424 Islamic recitation. Female announcer in Kurdish at 0427. Fair signal. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

9660 Vatican Radio relay 0306. African-accented man with church and Pope news. Fair signal noted with a
hetrodyne. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

7295, Traxx FM 1748. English pop, rock and rap songs. British (?) DJ commenting between songs about “Saturday night” (this was a Saturday here) and “music all weekend”. Poor signal. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

6165 Thazin Radio 1430. Signature type of music on percussion instruments to female's launch of English program. Station ID, frequency and “good evening listeners.” English song during poor signal quality with interference from China's CNR6. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

9730.830  Myanmar Radio Rangoon. Heard on S=8-9 fair level on remote post in Sri Lanka, at 0425. Dance music box and nice Burmese girl singer. (Ron Howard, CA/Top Nx)

15140, R Sultanate of Oman, Thumrait, 1402-1510. English service with numerous IDs, mention of FM channels, rock and rap music. News at 1430, a man mentioned at 1444 that it was time for prayer indicating it was up to listener when travelling to know how to adjust for the time for prayer. English ended abruptly at 1459 when Arabic program joined. ID and news at 1500. Fair signal. (Rich D'Angelo/FCDX/DXW495)

9930, World Harvest Radio 1348. Several Christian songs to 1357. Station IDs and Bible offer. Additional ID at 1359 and request for reception reports. Poor signal. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

Papua New Guinea
3905, Radio New Ireland, at 1240-1404.* Christmas music and mostly non-stop reading of a very long list made up of school names, numbers, positions, and persons name ("Central New Ireland Primary School," "201, assistant teacher [name given]," "102, vacant," "202, head master [name given]," etc.). At 1302-1305 UT break for NBC "News Roundup" in English then continued on with the list. Sign-off with usual children singing anthem; well above normal reception and amateur radio interference.(Ron Howard-CA-USA, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)

3364.98, NBC Milne Bay, Alotau. Station seems to regularly be on the air 24 hours a day now. Often heard past 1530, Dec 20 at 1528 played Auld Lang Syne; poor. (Howard). Also heard in Sweden with quite good signal on Dec 16 at 1928. (Nilsson/DXW495)

4810.07, Radio Logos, 0100-0115. Spanish comments between male/female duo, but mainly music heard during the period. There is constant noise (interference) on both sides of Logos' signal, though only heard in LSB mode with heavy notching and adjusting of the bandwidth.(Chuck Bolland, FL)
3329.54, Radio Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco, 1105-1135. Program: ”Aquí en Huánuco, Rosaura y su estrellas desde Bolivia llega con los poderes de la viuda negra (curanderismo)”,  ID: "Ondas del Huallaga, informativa, deportiva", advs: ”Frente único regional de Huánuco convoca a la reunión sobre el corte de fluido eléctrico en la ciudad”. Campaign against family violence by the regional government of Huanuco, Agro Falcon best for your field, SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui/DXW495)

4747.05, Radio Huanta 2000, Huari, 2335-0005. Huayno music in Quechua, ads, station ID: “Radio Huanta 2000.”, Ads in Spanish: ”Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito señor de Mayahay”, ”Universidad Nacional de Huancavelica”, ID: “Radio Huanta 2000”, R Huanta 2000 invited the Mayor of Huanta, 33333. (Arrunátegui/DXW495)

4774.91, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 2245-2315. Spanish talk and shouting, pop songs, 25332. (Petersen). Also heard at 1029-1043, Dec 16, Peruvian vocals, ann in Spanish with ID and TCs mentioning “música nacional” hosting morning music program. Good signal. (D'Angelo/FCDX/DXW495)

4789.87, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 2320-2345. Pasillos music, ID: "Radio Visión una grande para todos", music, ID: "Radio Visión.. desde la ciudad de Chiclayo, Perú", ID: “Transmite Radio Visión, una radio para todo el mundo", SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui/DXW495)

4835.00, Radio Ondas del Sur Oriente, Quillabamba, 1125-1200. Musical program in Quechua and Spanish. Ads to Natacha music, ID: "Por Radio de Sur Oriente. " Ads as - ”Consejo de la Convención", ”Ejercito del Perú preséntate al servicio en el cuartel… Este nuestro compromiso Conservar la Naturaleza, Proyecto Camisea”, SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui/DXW495)

4985.50, Radio Voz Cristiana, Chilca, 1115-1150. Station ID as "Radio Voz Cristiana le acompaña a salvarse", music, ID: "Radio Voz Cristiana te bendiga en tu siembra", with your help ”Radio Voz Cristiana está saliendo adelante en esta gran siembra" in program ”Siembra Misionera por las ondas de Radio Voz Cristiana”, SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui/DXW495)

6173.90, Radio Tawuantisuyo, Cusco, 1140-1215. Ads to ID: "En Radio Tawuantinsuyo…", news varying in Spanish and Quechua. ”Escuelas de Oratoria el Ateneo”, program ”Informativo Tupac Amaru”, SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui/DXW495)

11890, Radyo Pilipinas 1851. Filipino conversation with many English words, such as “assistance program”,
“integration program”, “300,000 US dollars”, “employee of the year.” At 1856 a Radyo Pilipinas mentioned. Fair signal and noted on //15190 which was now weak. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

9430, FEBC Bocaue 1126-1135. Announcer with talk and music bits. Musical jingle to ID at 1130, followed by ad/promo string. Return to announcers at 1132. Musical ballad at 1135. Signal fair but very noisy. (Scott Barbour-NH)

5900, (Asiatic Russia) Voice of Russia via Irkutsk 1508. With the last remaining English broadcast on analog shortwave-woman doing an interview about Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood. Poor signal quality. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

6055, Radio Rwanda 0250. National anthem followed by choir, then male chorus at 0257. At 0300 male/female announcer's signing on in vernacular with an echo effect. Fair signal. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

Saudi Arabia
15284.982. BSKSA 0400 - logged 1000 Hertz test tone at Riyadh SW channel, but Swahili registered program started suddenly crash midst at 04.02:30, a little bit late. Female announcer, S=9 signal on Ceylon island remote SDR unit. (Ron Howard, CA/wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)

South Africa
15235, Channel Africa noted ending a news bulletin in English at 1605. Special program in French with hymns and carols.  I haven't noticed an English news bulletin at this time before. (Alan Roe, Teddington, UK/Top Nx)

15319.798, RTI Paochung Taiwan in English service at 0300-0400. Signal not jammed and noted S=9+20dB at remote unit in Nara, Japan. Nice light instrumental music. (Ron Howard, CA/(wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews)

6015 Zanzibar-ZBC Radio. At 0305 noted Islamic chanting to 0306. Announcer's comments in Swahili. Signal was poor with noted heavy signal splatter. (Harold Sellers-BC-Canada, DXplorer)

4905, Xizang PBS, Lhasa 1600. Program from Chinese into English with Holy Tibet program. Repeated IDs as “This is Holy Tibet...China Tibet Broadcasting.” Welcome to listener's by woman, and schedule of broadcast. Poor signal and noted //4920, 6110, 6200 kHz. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

4976, Radio Uganda, Kampala, 1915-1927. Male/female programming and comments. SINPO 14221. (Méndez/HCDX)

United States
9615, KNLS Alaska 1435. Chinese service including male's hymnal rendition of “Blessed Assurance”, alternating between English and Chinese. Host at 1438 in Chinese. Fair signal. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)

Vatican State
15320, Radio Veritas Asia relay 1553. Filipino announcements from female announcer closing 1500-1553 broadcast with ID “Radio Veritas Asia Filipino Service” and phone number in English. Good signal quality. (Harold Sellers-BC Canada)