
Thursday, February 06, 2014

Blog Logs: South America

A sampling from shortwave monitoring

All times UTC/ frequency in kHz (kilohertz) // parallel frequency
* Sign-on  / Sign-off *

Logs edited for clarity


Observed on shortwave from within Bolivia and in the region-monitored from late December t0 February 4, 2014.
2210 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Quillacolla, Cochamba
4700 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta
4717 Radio Yura, Yura (not “Radio Yatan”, as reported elsewhere)
5580 Radio San José, San  José, de Chiquitos (very irregular)
5952.5 Radio Pio X II, Llallagua
6025 Red Patria Nueva, La Paz (not “Radio Patria Nueva,” as reported elsewhere)
6105 Radio Panamericana, La Paz
6135 Radio Santa Cruz, santa Cruz
All other stations listed off the air-some have been gone for a long time, others possibly or temporarily off the air, but at least one-Radio Juan XXIII from San Ignacio de Velasco, is planning a return to shortwave with a new transmitter. (Stig Hartvig Nielsen, Santa Cruz, Bolivia/HCDX)

3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba 2330. Presumed Quechua text from announcer, audible just past 0010, which included bits of  Bolivian pan flute music. (R Pearson, St Augustine, FL)

4699.94, Radio San Miguel Riberalta 1003. Male announcer’s Spanish talk as possibly a religious sermon. Signal poor and weak. (Scott Barbour, NH)

4716.68, Radio Yatun Ayllu Yura 0001-0015. Spanish programming with promo and a local time check. Signal poor, but audible. (R Pearson, St Augustine, FL).

5580.4, Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos. 0005-0025. Male announcer’s text and talk interspersed with promo and musical ballad. Fair signal, but able to monitor. (R Pearson, St Augustine, FL).

5952.5, Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 0035. Spanish announcement to Andean music. Poor signal. Other Bolivians, Radio  Yatun Ayllu on 4716.7 and presumed Radio Mosoj Chaski on 3310, were also noted with very weak signals. (Sellers). Also heard at 0115, male/female chatting in Aymara with music interludes, SINPO 24432. (Bell/DXW 498)

6025.00,  R Patria Nueva, La Paz, 1017-1040. Program ”Game of Dakar Peace Calama” to do best listening. LSB interference from another station in AM, 44444. (Arrunátegui/DXW 498)

6105.35,R adio Panamericana, La Paz, 1110-1155. Program ”Manantial de Vida” (religious), advs: Seguridad Ciudadana,   ID: “Panamericana desde la Paz”, 44444. (Arrunátegui/DXW 498)


4755.92, Imaculada Conceicaio 2312-2335. Weak audio at tune-in to various Portuguese announcements and music bits. Signal improving by 2320, better by 2330. Tentative jingle ID at 2334 to the tune of "Happy Birthday to You." Announcer’s talk during fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH)

4774, ZYG207 Radio Congonhas, 2214-2235. Portuguese talk to pop music and station ID at 2234. SIO 253. (H Frodge, DXP/MARE 766)

4785, Radio Caiari Porto Velho 0928-0940. Light style music and ballads to male announcer between selections. Signal fair and improving. (Scott Barbour, NH)

4815.00, R Difusora, Londrina, PR, 2344-0020. Talk in Portuguese with congregation(?), ID: ”Difusora..”, music, 22222. (Arrunátegui and Wilkner). Also heard at 0102, Jan 09, slow choral music, male pastor in Portuguese with prayer, 35333. (Bell/DXW 486)

4825, Radio Canção Nova, Cachoiera Paulista, SP, 0337. Telephone numbers in Portuguese, programme anns, romantic pop, 35333. (Bell/DXW 486)

4845, Radio Cultural Ondas Tropicais, Manaus, AM, 2218-2235, Jan 18, soccer report in Portuguese, "Campeonato Pulista", 24322. (Méndez). Also heard at 0340, male/female announcers in Portuguese, trumpet fanfare, SINPO 25332. (Bell/DXW 486)

4875, Radio Difusora Roraima, Boa Vista, RR, 2216-2235.  Portuguese comments, 14321. (Méndez). Also heard at 0114,  up-tempo song of praise, into gospel music, SINPO 25333. (Bell/DXW 486)

 4875.1, ZYG810 Radio Roraima, 0034-0045. Portuguese talk to rock music. Station ID at 0045. Signal covered by LSB utility at 0035-0039. Signal fair in USB. SIO 352. (H Frodge, DXP/MARE 766)

4885.00, Radio  Dif. Acreana, Rio Branco, AC, 1035-1100.  "Radio Difusora Acraena", music, SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui/DXW 486)

4885.019, Radio Club do Pará, Belém, 0434. S-8 signal strength in southern Germany, “ ... palabra problemas de Brasil...” (wb, WWDXC/Top Nx 1148)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta Huanta 1035-1045. Choral musical ballad to brief announcements. Bits of music to same format through tune-out. Signal fair. (Scott Barbour, NH)

4985, Radio Brasil Central, Goiânia, GO, 0350. Male singer with slow romantic pop, heavy utility traffic, SINPO  31332. (Bell/DXW 498)

5939.83, R.Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, SC, 0820-0832. Popular song, a sound of a cock crowing in the morning and "Bom dia Bom dia" "Radio Voz Missionaria" at 0831, it became easy to receive after the period of Radio Rossii, SINPO 25332. (Wagai/DXW 498)

 5970, R Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte, MG, 0059. Male/female announcer’s chatting in Portuguese, advertisements, IDs, SINPO 54444. (Bell). Also heard at 0603-0640, comments in Portuguese, "Bom dia", SINPO 24322. (Méndez/9 DXW 498)

6010, Radio Inconfidência, Belo Horizonte, MG, 0105. Female speaker in Portuguese with federal announcement.  Slow pop song, SINPO 53444. (Bell). Also heard at 0705-0733, Brazilian songs, Portuguese comments. Interference from La Voz de tu Conciencia, SINPO 12221. (Méndez/DXW 498)

6080, Radio Marumby, Curitiba, PR, 0712-0722, Religious comments in Portuguese, SINPO 23222. (Méndez/DXW 498)

6120, Super Radio Deus é Amor, São Paulo, SP, 0735-0755, Portuguese religious comments, SINPO 24322 // with 11765. (Méndez/DXW 498)

6134.886, Radio Aparecida, Aparacida SP. Noted at 0508 with weak S-6 signal, undoubtedly Portuguese program, not Spanish. (wb, WWDXC/Top Nx 1148)

6134.9, Radio Radio Aparecida, Aparacida SP. Portuguese religious programming and prayers. Talking phone calls at 0055, followed by ID and promo. SIO 333. Station interference is likely Radio Santa Cruz on 6134.8 (H Frodge-DXP/MARE 766)

6135, Radio Aparecida, Aparacida SP. Noted 0855-0900 with musical ad at tune-in and passing mention of “Aparecida.” Time tips signal, then battling dominance with presumed Bolivia’s Radio Santa Cruz at *0900. Radio Aparecida, Aparacida SP. (wb, WWDXC/Top Nx 1148)

6180, Radio Nacional de Amazonia 2241. Male announcer’s Portuguese talk and many mentions about Brazil. Presumed this is Radio Nacioal de Amazonia. (BC, MI/MARE 766).

9645.377, ZYE957 Radio Bandeirantes, São Paulo, SP. Programming not religious, but rather nice mixed Brazilian music program at 0543. S-5 weak to fair signal level. (wb, WWDXC/Top Nx 1148)

9664.369, Radio Voz Missionária, Camboriú, 0550. weak to fair signal quality, nice Brazilian religious canção singer. Noted on // 5939.839 kHz, also S-5 signal. (wb, WWDXC/Top Nx 1148)

9664.74 Radio Voz Missionária, Camboriú, 0348-0400+. Tentative on this station, noting exhortive male in Portuguese with mentions of Brazil. SIO 322 in AM, much better in USB due to 9660 kH splash // 5939.85 SIO 442+ with splash interference from 5935 via WWCR. (Harold Frodge-DXP/MARE 766).

9818.900, Radio Nove de Julho, São Paulo, SP at 0552. Signal disturbed by sideband splash interference. (wb, WWDXC/Top Nx 1148)

11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, RS, 0955-1022, Portuguese religious comments, "Amigos ouvientes de Transmundial", 24322. (Bell and Méndez/DXW 498)

11915, Radio Gaúcha, Porto Alegre, RS, 2302-2311, News in Portuguese, then time check, sports, commercials,  and a promo mentioning "Rádio Gaúcha" 2307, S5-9. (Robins/DXW 498)

11925.2, adioR Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, SP, 0729, Male speaker in Portuguese with IDs, music clips, local song, ads. SINPO 35423. (Bell/DXW 498)

5910, Alcaravan Radio, 0020. Station ID in Spanish as “Alcaravan Radio” into Spanish song. Stumbled across the station ID as I tuned into the frequency. (BC, MI/MARE 766). Noted this station at 0508-0516 with traditional Latin American music. Lots of time checks and Ids (which mentions their AM frequency in 1530 kH AM. Decent signal. (Wolfish, Burnt River/MARE 766).


6050.00, HCJB, Pichincha, *0825-0850. Tuning music, anthem, ID in Quichua, "HCJB Quito, AM 690, 6050 onda corta", time signals at 0830, Andean music and comments in Quichua, 44444. (Méndez). Also heard at 1040-1110, with religious porgram in Quechua with Spanish music, ID: “HCJB presenta a través en español  de la biblia”, SINPO 44444. (Arrunátegui/DXW 498)

3329.8, Ondas del Huallaga, 2325-2358. Spanish text from announcer for very poor signal. Just as poor on subsequent daily checks. (R Pearson, St Augustine, FL)

4774.94, Radio Tarma, Tarma, 2306-0025,Spanish talk, pop song, ID, 25232. (D'Angelo/FCDX, Nilsson and Petersen). Also heard at 1050-1115, huayno music, ID: "Desde Radio Tarma del Perú hemos presentado”, program ”Confidencial música folclórica” national music, then give the Angelus (news), SINPO 33333. (Arrunátegui and D'Angelo/FCDX/DXW 498)

4774.91, Radio Tarma 1007-1023. Spanish talk to Latin American music between announcer’s items. Signal fair and clear. (Scott Barbour, NH)

4790, Radio Visión, Chiclayo 2355-0005. Presumed this station, as signal was very poor and fading. (R Pearson, St Augustine, FL).

4824.50, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos. Noted at 2345-0020. Male/female duo’s Spanish conversation, and promo. Signal fair over recent monitoring as very poor. (R Pearson, St Augustine, FL).

4985, Radio Voz Cristiana. Surprised to find this one, and coming in fairly well. Equal in signal to Brasil Central. Noted at 2330-2335 with lively religious music. Lady’s religious sermon with mentions of “Madre de Dios, corazon y palabra.” Local time mentions to same program sermon format and rapid-paced music. Program break at 2356 for “canned” promos and a second mention of ‘internacional” and address in Huancayo. Additional mention of “Voz Cristiana y Francisco.” Promo with nice ID at 01:20 and 01:40. ID as “Radio Voz Cristiana.” (Dave Valko, PA/HCDX)

5024.92, Radio Quillabamba, Quillabamba, 2340, Decent signal before R Rebelde signs on. At 0026 Rebelde is very strong. (Nilsson). Also heard at 0111,  Cuba off air, female speaker in Spanish, SINPO 15331. (Bell/DXW 498)

6173.90, Radio Tawuantinsuyo, Cuzco;  7/01 2145-2210 SINPO 44444. Music cumbia peruana advs Plus Petrol con energía todo se puede. ID “Radio Tawuantinsuyo, la voz de la expresión andina, transmite desde Cusco, Perú” music. (Arrunátegui/DXW 498).

4990, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 0943-1000. Male announcer’s Dutch comments over music. Male/female hosts with promos and several Ids as, “always on ... always will be ... Radio Apintie.” Lite music at 0955 into male announcer’s text. Losing signal to local interference at 1000. Signal weak but clear, best heard in quite some time. Subsequent  logging on Jan 31, on 4990, 0659-0711. Various musical selections of pop, dance, and salsa with brief announcer in Dutch at 0701 and 0708. Signal very good. (Scott Barbour, NH)


6125, Radiodiffusión Naciona SODRE. Transmitting to CX Radio Uruguay, Montevideo at 20:42-21:02 in Spanish. Report from the Dirección Nacional de Meteorología, governmental announcements, complete station ID which included the list of relay stations in FM in different cities such as; Cologia, Bella Unión, Artigas, Salto, Paysandu and Mercedes. Newscast of “informe Nacional Tercera Edición” at 20:50. Continued news about Argentina and Uruguay. Station ID as, “las emisoras de Radiodifusión Nacional del Uruguay...vuelven a sus respectivas programaciones...Radio Uruguay, 1050 AM.” Additional station identification as, “somos Radio Uruguay, 1050 AM...Radiodifusión del Uruguay.” SINPO 44433. Log in rural town of Fatima, located 61 kms from Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires with a Sony ICF 2010 and EWE antenna. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina/playdx)