
Friday, August 01, 2014

QSL Report: August 2014

Philately and QSLing
Next time you receive a QSL from a station you have reported to, take a closer look at the stamps or postal marks on the envelope. Some stations will use a few colorful postage stamps, or perhaps a special postal cancellation when they send their verification to you. If you are interested in collecting stamps and post mark cancellations from various countries around the world, be sure to indicate that fact in your reception report. For stamp collectors, known as philatelist, this is an extra treat if you also happen to be a shortwave radio listener.

Topical stamp collecting – the art of acquiring stamps specializing on one topic – has long been a popular aspect of the stamp collecting hobby. And for radio hobbyists searching for topical stamps, cancellations or postal covers focusing on various aspects of communications is a natural extension of the radio hobby. The DXer/philatelist can collect topical stamps from many countries on varied subjects, including –  flora-fauna, animals, scenery, or even radio-oriented stamps.

The U.S. Postal Service has periodically released stamps that have pictorial themes on amateur radio, electronics, American inventors, communications and Voice of America. In 2003, Canada's Post Office released a set of stamps commemorating the Fathers of the Wireless Age that wowed the hobby. India, United Kingdom, Austria, Solomon Islands, Netherlands, Estonia, Slovenia and Australia have issued radio-oriented postage stamps in the past and present. Don't discard the envelope (called covers) since these are collectible items as well. It is fun to collect postal materials with colorful stamps from around the world. Philately and QSLing can add an extra layer of enjoyment to the hobby of QSLing.

Thank you to those who contributed their latest QSL information, and the kind newsletters and e-email groups, who graciously permit us to share their QSL information with radio hobbyists.

Don't forget...if your new to QSLing or a seasoned collector, my book QSLing the World - A How to Guide will lead you through the various ups and downs of QSLing. For additional information, consult Amazon at:

Your contributions are always welcome at the email address in the above masthead. Tell the world what you're QSLing !!!

Amateur Radio

Belgium-ON4KBJ, 20 meters PSK31. Full data color castle card. Received in 62 days via ARRL bureau. (Larry Van Horn, NC)

Canada-VA7PX-IOTA NA-075, 7 MHz RTTY. Full color postcard of Mayne Island, British Columbia. Received in 42 days via ARRL bureau. (Van Horn).

Germany-DH1TW, 20 meters SSB. Full data color card of antenna arrays at sunset. Received in five years via ARRL bureau. (Van Horn)

Martinique QSL via Larry Van Horn, N5FPW
Martinique, FM5CD, IOTA NA-107, 14 MHz RTTY. Full color Martinique beach scene. Received in 35 days for report to QSL Manager, Jean Brunner, 9 Rue Des Pigeonniers, Montgame 86210-Voneuil Sur Vienne, France. Operator, Michel Brunelle, P.O. Box 321, 97287 Lamentin, Martinique (Van Horn).

USA-W7PX, Missoula, MT, 14260 kHz, USB. Full data color call sign, view of Hellgate Canyon, NE Missoula and University of Montana photo card signed by operator, Bob. Some nice personal comments written on reverse of card.  Received in ten days for reception of special event station celebrating Independence Day at Fort Missoula. SASE sent and used. QSL address: Hellgate Amateur Radio Club, PO Box 3811, Missoula, MT  59806-3811. (Larry Zamora, Garland, TX)

USA-W4A, Huntsville, AL, 7188 kHz, LSB. Full data color call sign with Apollo 11 logo card received in five days for reception report of a special event station operating from the US Space & Rocket Center commemorating the 45th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing.  SASE sent and used.  QSL address: Huntsville Amateur Radio Club, 307 Clinton Ave., Ste. 100, Huntsville, AL 35801.  (Larry Zamora, Garland, TX)

USA-KD8ILL, 7 MHz PSK31. Full data scenery postcard of Valley Falls State Park, Fairmont, West Virgtinia. Received in 12 days for report to Jason Lemley, RR 4-Box 727B, Fairmont, WV 26554 USA (Van Horn)

Ascension Island
BBC Atlantic Ocean relay station, 15400 kHz. Full data Babcock card, signed by Jeff Francis (Engineering Manager). Received in 14 days. Several attempts made to contact the transmitter center in Ascension Island, and finally found a valid email address to: (Alvaro López Osuna, Granada, Spain/playdx)

Radio Ö1 International, 6155 kHz. Full data verification letter that included scenes of Vienna on main page. Received for details to (Dmitry Kutuzov, Ryazan, Russia/"deneb-radio-dx"/RUS-DX 777)

ABC-VL8A (Alice Springs) 4835 kHz. Multiple attempts and several postal cards, finally received a QSL and personal letter of thanks from Elaine Erskine, Communicatrions Transmission Officer, plus small ABC logo sticker enclosed. Program details to (Osuna) Postal address: Northern Territory Shortwave Service, Box 9994, Darwin, NT 0801 Australia.

Bangladesh Betar, 15105 kHz. Full data QSL card and program schedule. Received for a follow-up report. Station address: Sr. Engineer, Research and Receiving Centre, 121 Kazi, Nazrul Islam Avenue Sha Bagh, Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh. Email: (Osuna).

Overcomer Ministry via Kostinbrod, 11590 kHz. E-QSL. Received in two days for report details to  (Artur Fernandez Llorella, Spain/playdx)

QSL via Gayle Van Horn W4GVH
Radio Inconfidencia, 15190 kHz. Full data verification letter, signed by Gleison Ferreira. Received after four years of letters and email. Veri signer email: (Osuna) Streaming audio for AM/FM at

Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic/Moldova-Radio Miraya via Grigoriopol, 11560 kHz. Miraya FM card, signed by Mr. Jean-Luc Mootoosamy,Miraya Program Officer. Received in only nine days, which included a holiday and a weekend. QSL address: Foundation Hirondelle, Avenue du Temple 19C, CH-1012 Lausanne, Switzerland (Wendel Craighead, KS)

Radio EYSC (Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change) via Issoudun, France 15245 kHz. Brief E-letter, thanking me for my report and verifying my reception. Received in 19 hours from Daniel G. Mikael. My report was sent via the EYSC contact form at According to various websites and a BBC interview, Mr. Mikael lives in Ls Angeles, and is the chairman of the Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change. He is involved with various Christian denominations, including Catholic, Coptic and Lutheran. (Craighead).

Radio Congo QSL via Artur Fernandez Llorella
Congo (Republic)
Radiodiffusion Congolaise (Radio Congo) Brazzaville, 6115 kHz. Electronic station verification letter, signed by Jean de Dieu Oko, Directeur des Programmes. Received confirmation in two years, after multiple attempts via email and postal mail. This is a very special QSL, as it verifies country # 162 from the EDXC country list. Station postal address: Radiodiffusion Congolaise, Boite Postal 2241, Brazzaville, Republic du Congo. (Llorella) Excellent QSL, Artur ! Congo is rarely heard or verified. (GVH)

Radio Habana Cuba, 15230 kHz. Full data card with Cuban flags (a new series) from Arnie Coro. Program details to (Osuna).

AWR/Wavescan via Issoudun relay, 15670 kHz. Full data E-QSL. Received in four weeks for e-report to (Llorella).

Radio Öömrang, 15215 kHz. E-QSL. Received in 79 days for report to (Kurt Enders, Bickenbach, Germany/HCDX). Radio Öömrang, broadcast once a year on shortwave in lower German in Frisian dialect and German/English. The annual program is on February 21, relayed by Media Broadcast from a Nauen, Germany transmitter. The station identifies in English as, "The Free Voice of Frisian People from Amrum island in Germany".

Missionswerk/Voice of Hope, 3995 kHz via HCJB Weenermoor. Full data verification letter, siged by Kornelius Duck. Received in three months. QSL address: Eckenhagener Str. 21, D-51580 Reichhof, Germany.(Llorella)

Gemeinde Gottes Herford via HCJB Weenermoor, Germany, 3995 kHz. QSL and letter from Nikolai Ernst. Received in one month for e-report to (Llorella).

Geronimo SW, 9485 kHz via MVBR. E-QSL. Received in four weeks for e-report to (Llorella).

MV Baltic Radio QSL
MV Baltic Radio, 9485 kHz. Full data QSL. Received in ten weeks for an e-report to (Llorella).

Echo of Europe, 7315 kHz. E-QSL on same day as reception report. Program details posted at (Enders) Echo of Europe, 7315 via Nauen, Germany. E-QSL from Simon Marty. Received in one day for e-report to (Llorella).

Radio PCJ International, 5995 kHz. E-QSL in 44 days. Program details to (Enders) 5995 via Nauen, Germany 5995 kHz. E-QSL in five weeks for e-report to (Llorella).

Radio Biafra London via Wertachtal, Germany, 11870 kHz. E-QSL. Received in 21 months for e-report to (Osuna)

MGLOB, 13765 kHz. E-QSL. Received n 45 days for program details to ()suna).

Medium Wave
Canary Islands-Es Radio-Las Palmas, 1008 AM kHz. E-QSL. Received in 58 days after follow-up email to (Osuna)

Czech Republic-Radio Dechovka, 1233 kHz AM. E-QSL from Jane Pusová. Received in five days for AM report to (Kurt Enders, Germany/HCDX)

Germany-Deutschlandfunk, 756 AM kHz. E-QSL. Received in 80 days for follow-up report. Program details to (Osuna). Deutschlandfunk 153/1422. E-QSLs for an e-report to (Llorella).

Ireland-RTE, 252 AM kHz (off air RTA). PDF E-QSL in seven days. Program details to (Osuna)

Iceland-RUV-Ras 2, 189 kHz AM. QSL and verification letter. Received in 95 days for follow-up report. Station address: Efstaleiti, 1  150 Reykjavik, Iceland. (Osuna).

Slovenia-Radio Capodristia, 1170 AM kHz. E-verification letter. Received in 21 days for report to (Osuna)

USA-WSM Nashville 650 AM kHz. Partial data QSL card of vintage QSL folder, unsigned. Station stickers and a guitar pick enclosed. Received in four days for an AM report and mint stamps (not used). (David Jones, Nashville, TN/NRC) Streaming audio at

USA-WBBM 780 kHz AM Chicago. Partial data verification letter, signed by Greg Davis. Received in 40 days for an AM report and mint stamps. (Jones). Streaming audio at 

USA- WQXI-ESPN 790 The Zone. No-data letter, signed by Scott Trask. Map and ESPN promotional items enclosed. Received in 51 days for an AM report. (Jones). Streaming audio at

USA-KRVN 880 kHz AM Lexington, Nebraska, The River-Rural Radio. Full data QSL certificate, signed by Rod Ziegler (formerly of KSAL). Also received hat, stickers and book in 21 days via UPS. (Jones) Streaming audio at

Radio Méditerranéen Internationale (Medi 1) 9575 kHz. Full data E-QSL from Abdellah el-Atmani. Received in two months from follow-up report to (Osuna) Streaming audio at Postal address: 3/5 Rue M'Sallah, 90000 Tanger, Morocco

Radio Myanmar, 5985 kHz. E-QSL with no date notation. Received an email of "thanks" and attached programming schedules. Received in one year after follow-up report, with a postcard and a few stickers. Station address: Myanmar Radio and Television, 426 Pyad Road, Kamayut 11041, Yangon, Myanmar. (Osuna).

North Korea
Voice of Korea, 9435 kHz. Full data Some of the Changjon Street Built in Pyongyang card. Package included a copy of The Pyongyang Times, a folder of Korean Stamp Information, and two small mini-booklets about Korean stamps. Received in 107 days. (Rich D'Angelo, PA/DXplorer) Station address: Pyongyang, Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Website: 

Radio Tarma, 4775 kHz. E-QSL and info received same day as program details to (Enders).

FEBC Philippines, 11650 kHz. Acknowledgment only on card for station's Russian service. Card featured the FEBC Iba, transmission tower. Program details to 

Voix du Sudan, 9505 kHz. E-QSL from Bakhit Bushara, French service. Received in 19 days for e-report to (Osuna).

Grimeton Radio SAQ. Full data color antenna card with illegible signature. Received in 30 days for special mid-year transmission on June 29 (Alexanderson Day). Email: . Postal address: Alexander – Grimeton Veteranradios Vaenner, Radiostationen, Grimeton 72, SE-432 98 Grimeton, Sweden. (Francesco Ceccoini, Italy/playdx) Next special programming is scheduled for Christmas Eve 2014.

Ireland-Church of Immaculate Conception Boherbue, 27815 kHz. No-data letter. Prepared QSL signed and stamped by Fr, Jim Kennelly. Received in eight days. QSL address: The Presbytery, Boherbue, Co. Cork, Ireland. (Patrick Robic, Austria/UDXF).

Ireland- Church of Christ the King Caherdavin/Limerick, 27731 kHz. No-data letter. Prepared QSL card signed and stamped by Fr. Tom Ryan. Received in 15 days. QSL address: Parish House, Caherdavin, Limerick, Co. Limerick, Ireland. (Robic).

Italy-Sellia Marina Radio, 518 kHz. Full data card, signed by Capt. Leopoldo Manna, Head of MRCC Operative Center. Letter and booklet enclosed on the history of Italian Coast Guard. Received in 16 days. Ship address: Ministerio della Infrastruture e dei Transporti, Comando Generale del Corpo Capitanerie di Porto, Centrale Operativa, Viale dell'Arte 16, 00144 Roma, Italy. (Robic)

Macedonia-PT-NDB Skopje, 295 kHz. Prepared QSL card returned with signature and station stamp. Received in 46 days for a utility report. QSL address: M-NAV, P.O. Box 9, 1043 Petrovec, Macedonia. (Robic)

Malta- Malta Radio NAVTEX service 518 kHz. Prepared QSL card returned with signature and station stamp. Received in 14 days for a utility report. QSL address: Headquarters Armed Forces of Malta, Luqa Barracks, Luqa VLT-2000, Malta. (Robic)

MSC Boreas (
Utility/Ship Traffic
2GDR8 MCS Boreas (Crew Boat) MMSI 235096501, 2187.5 MHz. Full data prepared QSL card returned as verified. Received in 33 days for a utility report. (Andy Ibold, Alpen, Germany/UDXF) Ship postal addresses may be searched by using the MMSI number at

2AFC4 F.D. Reliable (Platform Supply vessel) MMSI 235059076, 2187.5 MHz. Prepared QSL card returned as verified. Received in 650 days for a utility report. (Ibold).

9HJH9 Mein Schiff 1 (Cruise ship) MMSI 249051000, 2187.5 MHz. Full data prepared QSL card returned as verified and personal letter. Received in 21 days for  utility report. (Ibold)

9HA3053 Bold Tern (Offshore Jack-Up vessel) MMSI 229080000, 2187.5 MHz. Full data E-QSL letter. Received in 72 days for a utility report to postal address. (Ibold).

H9DD Weser Highway (Cargo) MMSI 35590000, 2187.5 MHz. Prepared QSL card returned with partial data noted. Received in 35 days for a utility report (Ibold).

OJCS Silja Serenade (Passenger ship) MMSI 230184000, 2187.5 MHz. Prepared QSL card returned as verified, plus photo of ship. Received in 21 days for a utility report. (Ibold).

LYAG Kaunas Seaways (Roll-On/Roll-Off) MMSI 27700000, 2187.5 MHz. Full data E-QSL. Received in 31 days for a postal reception report. (Ibold).

ELWVS Ensco 101 (Drilling Rig) MMSI 636011107, 2187.5 MHz. Full data prepared QSL card returned as verified. Received in 17 days after follow-up report. (Ibold)

OVZI2 Maersk Attender (Anchor handling supply tug) MMSI 21966500, 8414.5 MHz. Full data prepared QSL card returned as verified, plus photo of ship and personal letter. Received in 43 days. (Ibold).

VSTY7 Hamnavoie (Ferry) MMSI 235449000, 2187.5 MHz. Full data prepared QSL card returned as verified. Received in 487 days (no follow-up). (Ibold)

V2EZ3 UOS Pathfunder (anchor Handling Supply Tug) MMSI 305608000 2187.5 MHz. Full data E-QSL, plus personal letter and info on ship. Received in 45 days for utility report via postal mail. (Ibold)

Cruise ship Oceana, photo Thames Ship Society)
ZCN9 Oceana (Cruise ship) MMSI 310473000, 2187.5 MHz. Full data prepared QSL card returned verified in 44 days. Enroute from Southampton to Gibraltar. (Ibold).

United States
WWV Fort Collins, CO, 25000 kHz. Full data fold-out card of Indians on the Prairie, signed by John B Milton, Engineer-in Charge. Received in 14 days for an E-report to My QSL # 3,0422. (D-Angelo) Station address: 2000 East County Road 58, Ft, Collins, CO 80524 USA. Website: 

Voice of Vietnam, 9835 kHz. Full data card, program schedule and station pennant. Received in 24 days for e-report to (Osuna).

SW Address/Veri Signer or Email Updates
Clandestine, R Ergo, IMS Productions Aps, FAO-Somalia Compound, Ngecha Road (off Lower Kabete Road), P.O. Box 2234, 00621 Nairobi, Kenya. Website:

Adventist World/Wavescan DX program. Several QSL cards are available. Send your reception reports to AWR & WRMI & WWCR & KVOH, and to the AWR relays stations that carry Wavescan. Wavescan QSL address: Box 29235, Indianapolis, Indiana 46229 USA Jeff White, SW/WRMI

AM/Euro Pirates Address & Email Updates

Bogus Man
Borderhunter R
Crazy Wave R
FRS Holland
Free R Victoria
Laser Hot Hits
Little Feat R
Premier R
R Adelaar
R Alice
R Black Arrow
R Caroline Intl
R Casanova
R City
R Dutchwing
R Focus Intl
R Grutte Pier
R Joey
R Marabu
R Merlin Intl
R Odynn
R Paardenkracht
R Pink Panther
R Python
R Relmus
R Ronalisa
R Star Intl
R Tango Italia
R Tidalwave
R Tower
R Uboat 66
R Underground
R Universe
Rode Adelaar
Shortwave Combination Holland
Shortwave Gold
Sluwe Vos R
Tango Italia
Technicial Man R
Tip and Elvia Show

Thank you to the following contributors and newsletters.
(Contributors as listed above and via DX News-Playdx 1619-1620/NASWA/HCDX/UDXF/NRC/RUS-DX/DXplorer)