
Thursday, September 04, 2014

Throwback Thursday: ORTB Bénin

ORTB Bénin QSL card (Gayle Van Horn collection)
Last reported in 2006, Office De Radiodiffusion Et Télévision Du Bénin, was on every DXers 'Hit List.' Broadcasting from Cotonou, Radio Bénin began broadcasting nightly in French from 0500 UTC on 4870 and 7210 kHz. Their sign-on was from a Bénin tam-tam instrument, followed by "Ici Bénin Office De Radiodiffusion Et Télévision Du Bénin, émettant de Cotonou.” With favorable conditions, you might catch them before their 2300 UTC sign-off in early evening. Programming was targeted to a domestic audience with local flare of topics and indigenous music.

A great addition to anyone's QSL collection