
Monday, January 19, 2015

Gala Radio changes it's name to "Radio EU"


The National Council for Radio and Television has renewed the license of "Radio Company" Gala "(call sign "Gala Radio") due to the change in the call sign "Radio EU." It is reported by the correspondent of A '.

In particular, this decision is based is now undergoing a change of owner. The new owner is a European company, which owns a network of radio stations in the EU, in particular in the Netherlands. The name of the new company, the owner is not disclosed. It should be noted that earlier in "Gala Radio" expressed an interest in the Dutch company Ad Venture Radio.

Ukraine increases the broadcasting in Russian and English languages. From January 12 Russian service on 1431 kHz VSRU been running 1600-2000 UTC. A British service VSRU (RUI) has for the second day after the transfer of American radio center WRMI in Okeechobee, Florida in 0030-0100 on 7455 kHz (azimuth 285 degrees). First gear from there in 2330-2400 on 11580 kHz (azimuth 44 degrees).
(Alexander Egorov, Ukraine / DX 1634)