
Monday, January 19, 2015

Weekly Propagation Forecast Bulletins

Product: Advisory Outlook advisory-outlook.txt
:Issued: 2015 Jan 19 0440 UTC
# Prepared by the Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Please send comments and suggestions to

2015 January 18 at 9:36 p.m. MST (2015 January 19 0436 UTC)


Summary For January 12-18

R1 (Minor) radio blackouts were observed on 13 and 14 January due to flare activity from active Region 2257.

An R2 (Moderate) radio blackout was observed on 13 January, also due to flare activity from active Region 2257. 

Outlook For January 19-25

A chance for R1-R2 (Minor-Moderate) radio blackouts exists from 23-25 January due to potential flare activity from the return of old Region 2253.

Product: 27-day Space Weather Outlook Table 27DO.txt
:Issued: 2015 Jan 19 0439 UTC
# Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center
# Product description and SWPC web contact
#      27-day Space Weather Outlook Table
#                Issued 2015-01-19
#   UTC      Radio Flux   Planetary   Largest
#  Date       10.7 cm      A Index    Kp Index
2015 Jan 19     125          12          4
2015 Jan 20     125          10          3
2015 Jan 21     120          10          3
2015 Jan 22     115          10          3
2015 Jan 23     120           8          3
2015 Jan 24     125           8          3
2015 Jan 25     125          15          4
2015 Jan 26     120          10          3
2015 Jan 27     120           8          3
2015 Jan 28     125           5          2
2015 Jan 29     130          10          3
2015 Jan 30     135          12          3
2015 Jan 31     135          15          4
2015 Feb 01     135          15          4
2015 Feb 02     130          12          3
2015 Feb 03     130          15          4
2015 Feb 04     125          12          3
2015 Feb 05     125           5          2
2015 Feb 06     125          10          3
2015 Feb 07     130          10          3
2015 Feb 08     130           8          3
2015 Feb 09     130           8          3
2015 Feb 10     125           5          2
2015 Feb 11     125           5          2
2015 Feb 12     120           5          2
2015 Feb 13     120           5          2
2015 Feb 14     125           5          2